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Archive of month: May 2013

How Clear Are Your Voicemail Messages?

Has this ever happened to you: You receive a voicemail and have to replay it over and over again because you can’t understand the caller the first time around. Having to take the extra time to try to decipher a garbled voicemail is irritating at best and for many busy professionals not worth the trouble, […]

Get Results with the Perfect Voicemail

Have you ever called a colleague or client and left a voicemail only to wait and wait and never get a response? If you find this happens to you regularly, you may unknowingly be a “bad voicemailer”! Voicemails have become a standard part of business communication. Many people are too busy during the work day […]

Could Speech Habits Affect Your Image in the Workplace?

Everyone knows someone who, like, talks like this. You know, like, the kind of person who ends every sentence like it’s a question? A recent program on National Public Radio talked about how speech habits like up-speak (speaking with a rising tone as though you are asking a question), vocal fry (“creaking” the ends of […]

Is Your Voice Affecting Your Career?

Unless there is an obvious problem, most of us don’t give more than an occasional passing thought to how our voice sounds. However, new research on how vocal quality affects others’ perceptions may make you think twice. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal discusses a study that shows that the quality of your […]