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Archive of month: September 2013

Are You Using These Words Correctly?

At Corporate Speech Solutions, we give our clients the tools to speak in a clear, dynamic manner that gives them the confidence to succeed as a professional. You may have a terrific presentation prepared but if you frequently misuse words, the delivery of your presentation will not reflect your professional skill set. Today, we continue […]

English Pronunciations & American Words We Misuse

Everyone wants to sound smart when they speak, especially in a professional setting. In an effort to sound intelligent and professional, many people try to lace their speech with complex vocabulary words. Unfortunately, this often leads to words being misused. Take a look at these commonly misused American words, and see how many have been […]

Public Speaking: Keep it Clear

Over the past several weeks, we’ve discussed different ways to prepare for a public speaking event. While preparing your voice, relaxing your body, and mental preparation are all key, the most important aspect of public speaking is your speech quality itself! It doesn’t matter how strong your material is or how effective your style, if […]

Public Speaking: Focus

If the idea of speaking in front of a large group makes you anxious, you’re in good company; public speaking is one of the most common fears in the world. While giving a speech or presenting in front of a crowd may always be a bit nerve-wracking, there are ways you can help ease the […]