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Takeaways from the BIG Conference in Atlantic City


I just returned from three days at the annual conference for Blacks in Government (BIG) in Atlantic City where I was honored to present my workshop, Communicate up the Corporate Ladder: How to Succeed in Business with Clarity and Confidence. The conference was a wonderful experience; I met great people from around the country and had the opportunity to go to a number of excellent presentations.

One thing I noticed was that many of the presentations revolved around leadership. Some of the titles included:

  • Is There a Leader in You? How to Lead to Create More Leaders
  • Ethical Leadership: Personal Ethics in Public
  • Leadership by Inspiration

A common theme across these presentations was the importance of spoken communication in developing and demonstrating leadership skills. Although becoming a leader is a common goal for most professionals, people often focus on the actions that define leadership. However, one of the key elements to presenting yourself as a leader is communication. Although what you say and do certainly matters, how you say it is just as important. Whether speaking in an intimate meeting or giving a presentation to an audience of 200, speaking with clarity, credibility and confidence are a vital part of projecting leadership. These skills are equally important in smaller, less formal communication settings. Clear, confident speech is essential in networking, negotiating, developing relationships with clients, and even informal one-on-one conversations with superiors and subordinates alike.

As an Executive Communication Coach, my presentation focused on how one can develop the skills to speak like a leader and move up the professional ladder. However, it was exciting to see how many presenters, even those who do not explicitly focus on communication skills, acknowledge how crucial spoken communication is to professional success and leadership development.

If you want to take your communication to the next level or help one of your employees improve their professional communication skills, make sure to pick up a free copy of my e-book “Communicate with Clarity and Confidence!” by subscribing to our newsletter community on our website. In this free resource, I break down the myriad factors that contribute to confident communication and guide you through how to use each aspect to your advantage.

Give us a call and see how Corporate Speech Solutions can improve your professional life! Call us at 212-308-7725 or send us an e-mail at jayne@corporatespeechsolutions.com to learn more. I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you might have!

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