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Choosing the Best Communication Strategy for Every Situation

With the breakneck pace of technology development, we now have more options than ever for communicating in the workplace. Everyone has certain methods of communication that they’re most comfortable with. However, it’s important to remember that the type of communication you prefer may not necessarily be the best fit for the situation at hand. Whether it’s e-mail, texting, social media, a phone call, or a face-to-face visit, choosing the best way to connect with someone requires thought and attention. Before reaching out, ask yourself the following questions to see which strategy is best:

Does the Other Person Have a Preference? When you make a new connection and have exchanged information, ask, ”What’s the best way to get in contact with you?” to find out their personal preference before parting ways. Then, make a quick note of this preference on their business card or in your cell phone. If you communicate with someone in the way that is most comfortable and convenient for them, you’re more likely to receive a positive response.

How Quickly Do I Need a Response? Many people unfortunately allow e-mail to sit in their inbox for weeks before writing a reply. Likewise, many people neglect returning voicemails during a hectic workday. Trying to follow up on an urgent matter when your recipient hasn’t responded can be uncomfortable. If you need an answer immediately, consider options that are likely to generate a quicker response like texting or if the person is nearby, an in-person visit.

Is there a possibility of the message being misread? The lack of non-verbal cues in e-mail and text can lead to misunderstandings. If there is any possibility that a question or comment could be misread or taken the wrong way, always err on the side of caution and contact the other party by phone or even better, an in-person meeting.

If your communication skills are holding you back from professional success and you want to make your communication skills your most powerful professional tool, make sure to pick up a free copy of my e-book “Communicate with Clarity and Confidence!” by subscribing to our newsletter community on our website. In this free resource, I break down the myriad factors that contribute to confident communication and guide you through how to use each aspect to your advantage.

Give us a call and see how Corporate Speech Solutions can improve your professional life! Call us at 212-308-7725 or send us an e-mail at jayne@corporatespeechsolutions.com to learn more. I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you might have!

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