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Archives of #breath support

Breathe for Success!

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t put much thought into how you breathe. You breathe in and out as you go about your day, without stopping to consider exactly how you’re breathing. However, the way in which you breathe can make a big difference in your communication. Proper breath support and control can […]

Three Simple Tips for a Dynamic, Confident Speaking Voice

Speaking with a strong, dynamic voice is one of the keys to projecting professionalism and leadership in the workplace. Whether speaking to an audience of two or 2000, the ability to speak with a clear, confident voice is essential to commanding the attention of your listener and letting them know your message is worth hearing. […]

A Dynamic Speaking Voice Starts with Good Vocal Hygiene!

A confident, commanding speaking voice is essential to successful public speaking. It doesn’t matter how excellent the content of your presentation is: if your speaking voice is weak or unpleasant to listen to, your message will be negatively impacted. The first step to a strong, effective speaking voice begins with good habits which keep your […]

Quick Results With Paul

Jayne; I really enjoyed the time that I spent with Paul. He was very understanding and knowledgeable about my issues. The advise he gave me was very helpful in a short amount of time. Thank you for suggesting him to me. G. R.

Breathe to Succeed!

Do people often ask you to repeat yourself because they can’t understand you the first time you say something? You may be lacking vocal power! If you don’t speak with a strong, dynamic voice it’s likely that others aren’t receiving your message! One of the most important factors in vocal production is strong breath support. […]

The Today Show Features Jayne Latz

Another exciting week for Corporate Speech Solutions! This past Friday Corporate Speech Solutions’ President and Founder, Jayne Latz, was featured on The Today Show. Jayne was featured on a segment discussing how your voice is perceived by others and how, with training, you can change the way you sound. Jayne discussed how recent studies have […]