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Archives of #clear and confident speech

Original skeptic now huge fan

“I had a wonderful time with Alina despite the conflict with work and initial skepticism. A questionable beginning had a magnificent ending with total attribution to her.”  C. Fleming, New York, NY

How to dance on your feet

Good Morning Jayne, I was impressed and glad I took the opportunity to attend your presentation on Tuesday evening. Your ability to draw out reactions from the rather subdued audience was exceptional. You kept them involved and inspired participation from an audience that you had evaluate on the run and expect the unexpected.  My attention […]

Public Speaking: Relax!

Does the thought of standing up to speak in front of a crowd make you break into a cold sweat? If so, you’re not alone! Public speaking is one of the top reported fears in the U.S., often beating out even death! Although speaking in public may always be a daunting task, there are ways […]

Could Speech Habits Affect Your Image in the Workplace?

Everyone knows someone who, like, talks like this. You know, like, the kind of person who ends every sentence like it’s a question? A recent program on National Public Radio talked about how speech habits like up-speak (speaking with a rising tone as though you are asking a question), vocal fry (“creaking” the ends of […]