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Archives of #gesture

Use Body Language to Project Confidence in Virtual Communication

Virtual meetings are a great way to continue to connect with colleagues and clients while staying safe and practicing social distancing. However, the demands of body language and non-verbal communication change drastically from in-person to virtual communication. Here are a few tips to help you adapt your body language to project confidence and a strong […]

Use Storytelling to Become a More Dynamic Speaker

The best public speakers know how to present their message in a way that keeps their audience engaged and leaves them thinking about your message long after they leave the room. One of the best ways to connect with your audience and drive home your message is including storytelling in your presentation. Facts, statistics and […]

Body Language: What Do Your Gestures Say About You?

What do you do with your hands when you’re speaking? The gestures you use can have a huge impact on the image you project to others. Many people are uncomfortable using their hands when they speak and fall into default positions that limit their movement. This can make you appear stiff, insecure, or uncomfortable. Learning […]

Multicultural Communication: Gesture and Facial Expression

Over the past two weeks we’ve discussed some different aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication that can impact your interactions in a multicultural workplace. Today, we’ll discuss two basic, but complicated aspects of non-verbal communication: gestures and facial expressions. We tend to put