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Archives of #Presence

Are Your Voicemails Sending the Right Message?

When was the last time you had to replay a voicemail because you couldn’t understand the caller the first time around? Taking the time to try to decipher a garbled voicemail is irritating at best, and for many busy professionals, not worth the trouble. If a voicemail is difficult to understand, many professionals will simply […]

Keep It Interesting with Volume Variation

One of the keys to a dynamic, confident speaking voice is adequate volume. A strong, solid speaking voice commands the attention of others, improves clarity, and projects confidence. However, this doesn’t mean you should consistently speak at the same volume. Holding your speaking voice at one volume can be monotonous and cause your listener to […]

Three Simple Tips to Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

Do you find yourself rambling when asked to speak in front of your colleagues or senior management? Do you find yourself struggling to find the right words or speaking too quickly? Does your core message get lost in the anxiety caused by speaking in front of others? Whether it’s giving a sales presentation, pitching an […]

Four Simple Tips for a Resume that Gets Results!

If you’re looking to climb the corporate ladder or change the direction of your career, then you know how important the interview process is. Knowing how to present yourself well, speak with confidence, and project a professional, capable image is essential to acing the interview. However, all of these skills are useless unless you know […]
Make the right first impression!

Make an Impression with the Perfect Handshake

Knowing how to make a great first impression is essential to developing relationships and climbing the professional ladder. One of the best ways to project confidence and professionalism in the first moments of meeting someone is with your handshake. What does your handshake say about you and how can you improve it? Read the following […]

PowerPoint Tips for a More Dynamic, Engaging Presentation

When used right, a PowerPoint presentation can be a powerful addition to public speaking. Slides can be an excellent way to help drive home your most important points and keep your audience engaged. However, crafting slides that enhance your presentation can be a difficult task. Far too often, slides turn into a distraction, alienating you […]

Does Your Voice Make You Sound Older than You Are?

As our society becomes ever more focused on youth, we’re constantly bombarded by a steady stream of products designed to make you look as young as possible. However, recently, there has been an increasing interest in sounding young as well. Because a dynamic, commanding voice is an essential part of a confident professional presence, many […]
Pauline Kehm

How to Develop Your Professional Presence: A Guest Blog by Pauline Kehm

  Welcome to First Thursday! On the first Thursday of every month we feature an expert that has a skill or expertise that will enhance your professional skill set. Today, we’re joined by Pauline Kehm, with a blog on developing a strong professional presence. Pauline is president of Perform to Potential, a coaching and training […]