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Archives of #Q&A

Virtual Communication: Engaging Your Audience in Remote Presentations

When your audience isn’t in the same room as you, it’s easy for them to feel disengaged and disconnected. Tailor your presentation so that there are plenty of opportunities for the audience to interact with you directly. Check out our strategies for engaging and connecting with your audience in a virtual meeting or presentation!

3 Tips to Help You Shine During the Q&A

Has this ever happened to you? You’ve just delivered a standout presentation that you spent weeks developing. You spoke with clarity and confidence…and then the Q&A begins, and everything changes. Suddenly you’re unsure of yourself and your confident speaking style disappears. What happened?

End Your Presentation Right – Master the Q&A

You already know that giving a strong, confident presentation is essential for professional success. But for many people, the most challenging part comes during the Q&A session. Although Q&A can be intimidating since you don’t have the opportunity to rehearse what you’ll say beforehand, it’s also an excellent opportunity to reinforce your message and connect […]