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Archives of #reduce foreign accent

Exciting News from Corporate Speech Solutions!

At Corporate Speech Solutions, we’re constantly working to develop new materials to help you “say it better!” Today we’re excited to announce that the brand new third edition of our hit workbook, Taking Business: When English Is Your Second Language, is now available!   Whether you’re a business professional looking to reduce your foreign accent, […]

How Clear Is Your Speech? Communicating with Non-Native English Speakers

If you’re like most modern professionals, your colleagues and clients likely come from a variety of multicultural and multilingual background. This diversity has helped enrich the workplace with varying viewpoints and work styles. Unfortunately, language differences can also hinder productivity and connectivity in the workplace. Last week, we discussed how native speakers of English can […]

Accent Reduction Made Easy: Free Event!

As the workplace becomes an increasingly global community, people from non-native English speaking backgrounds are becoming a typical part of the workplace. While many non-native English speakers consider their accent a part of their identity, for many people it can be a barrier to effective communication, which in turn can affect their career. For native […]

Practice Makes Perfect

One of the most common problems with speech and communication improvement is carryover—all too often, people make excellent progress during formal training, but have difficulty carrying their new found skills into their day-to-day life. This is because, like any other skill set, speech and communication must be practiced regularly to be fully learned. Without practice, […]

Dr. Nezhat

I have had a problem with my speech for years, although I had taken speech classes before. My experience with Ms. Jayne has been incredible. Her format of providing books, disks and homework is great. She patiently will listen to you and correct your mistakes. I highly recommend Jayne Latz for this work. Please let […]

Roman, NYC

Jayne Latz has helped me to improve my speech and to reduce my accent within a short period of time.  I never thought that it could be improved that easily until I started to work with Jayne. Roman, NYC

Joseph, NY

Jayne Latz is sincere and helpful. She pinpoints my speech problems and works on my weaknesses. She helps me to improve my pronunciation skills and increase my confidence level. Joseph, New York, NY

Manfai, Magnetar Investments

As a result of working with Robyn Kitto of Corporate Speech Solutions, I have a better understanding of how specific sounds should be pronounced and I was able to make improvements on top of that. Manfai, Magnetar Investments

Miaomiao, Magnetar Investments

Prior to my work with Robyn Kitto I was unable to realize the pronunciation errors and now I am able to practice systematically and correct the errors. Miaomiao, Magnetar Investments
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