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Why Group Communication Training Improves Employee Retention

How can group communication training improve employee satisfaction and retention? Research shows that 70% of U.S. employees are disengaged in their work and workplace right now, they believe that their manager or organization could have done something to prevent them from leaving their jobs.

Group communication trainingThe Society for Human Resource Management said that losing good employees nowadays is a huge financial burden to most businesses. In fact, it costs employers an average of 6-9 months of an employee’s salary to replace them that is why it’s very important for every organization to take extra care of their employees.

The sweaty palms, pounding heart, heavy breathing, *almost* yelling, and rambling speech are a few of the common signs of Speech Anxiety caused by your mindset around public speaking. If you notice, while speaking in public, you can hear this little voice of self-doubt that keeps discouraging you saying “You can’t do it” or “You’re not good enough”.

Remember: “employees are the backbone of the organization”.

So, how can you improve employee job satisfaction for better employee retention?

Invest in group communication training to help your employees create an impact, inspire, and influence the overall organization from top to bottom.

We have so many talented and highly-valued employees out there, the problem is employers tend to overlook how their skills and talents should be utilized and often miss the part of effective communication.

There are two types of communication training that Corporate Speech Solutions offers to help you improve employee job satisfaction and retention:

Group Communication Training Level 1

This training is best for business professionals whose aim is to increase awareness of communication skills needed to accelerate career success and move up the corporate ladder. At the end of the training program, attendees will: 

    1. Experience increased confidence in the delivery of their presentations
    2. Walk away with tools and tips that can immediately be applied on a daily basis
    3. Have a voice to match talent, skill, and expertise
    4. Be able to speak and deliver a message in a clear, concise and succinct manner

Group Communication Traning Advanced

This training is best for individuals looking to develop their communication skills, leadership skills, and overall executive presence.

  • It is recommended that individuals participating in the advanced level training participate first in Level I to gain the awareness and foundation needed for the advanced training. 

Our goal is for your team to immediately engage their listeners and to make a positive impact from the very first word, thus influencing a positive culture in the workplace making employees more inspired and committed to the mission and vision of the company.

And with that said, I would like to invite you and your team on June 30th, 2022, Thursday, at 12-3 pm EST to this half-day intensive communication training called:

Present for Success: A Powerful Approach to Public Speaking with Impact Every Day

*Early Bird Pricing is only $125 if you register before June 17th ($295 after June 17th)

During the training, you and your team will learn to:

  • Develop a dynamic speaking voice
  • Think “off the cuff” and respond in a clear and concise manner
  • Leave a lasting impression on and off the virtual platform
  • Speak up and be heard
  • Strategies to deliver a message with greater impact
  • How to engage the audience from the very first word
  • A proven strategy to eliminate the annoying and distracting words “like, you know, um, uh”
  • How body language impacts your presentation

The goal of this training is to help you and your team deliver messages in a clear and concise manner while leaving a lasting impression.

In order for your team to impact and influence others, they need to be communicating with greater power, purpose, and impact.

Click here to join this half-day intensive communication training. See you there!


Jayne Latz, is an executive communication coach and trainer, and President and Founder of Corporate Speech Solutions, LLC. Jayne works with organizations and individuals to ensure they deliver their message in a clear and concise manner with confidence.  For more information contact Jayne Latz at info@corporatespeechsolutions.com or visit:  http://www.corporatespeechsolutions.com/

Copyright 2021, Jayne Latz.
Jayne Latz works with organizations that want to communicate with greater clarity, confidence, and credibility.

Email: Jayne@corporatespeechsolutions.com
Phone: 212.308.7725  
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaynelatz/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jayne.latz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jayne.latzcss/