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Archives of #American English Accent

Is Miscommunication Affecting Your Bottom Line?

Having employees with strong communication skills is essential for professional success. Being able to communicate in a clear, confident way brings in more business, keeps clients happy, strengthens professional relationships, and keeps a company running smoothly and efficiently. Given all of this, it’s not surprising that poor communication skills can have a negative impact on […]

Make Communication Your Most Powerful Professional Tool in 2019

Happy New Year from Corporate Speech Solutions! Last week we gave you three New Year’s Resolutions to help you take your communication skills to the next level. This week we help you start 2019 on the right foot with three more essential communication resolutions. Check them out below. Then join the conversation and let us […]
Make communication your most powerful professional tool!

Are You Ready for a Raise?

  Have your professional skills evolved beyond your current salary? A new year is almost upon us; start it out right by getting paid what you’re worth! Last week we talked about ways you can use communication to improve your negotiation skills. Today we wrap up our negotiation series with three more essential strategies for […]

How to Handle Tricky Professional Situations with Delicacy and Diplomacy

  Communicating in the business world requires a certain level of finesse and skill. However, some situations are trickier than others. In this week’s blog, we discuss three situations that many people find difficult: offering criticism, saying “no”, and avoiding office gossip.

Are Acronyms Helping or Hindering Your Communication?

Nearly every professional has jargon and specialized vocabulary that pertains to their particular career. Acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations are often used to simplify sometimes complex verbiage. While on the whole, this can make communication simpler and more effective, sometimes these verbal shortcuts can cause even more confusion than the initial terms. Check out our tips […]

Choosing the Best Communication Strategy for Every Situation

With the breakneck pace of technology development, we now have more options than ever for communicating in the workplace. Everyone has certain methods of communication that they’re most comfortable with. However, it’s important to remember that the type of communication you prefer may not necessarily be the best fit for the situation at hand. Whether […]
How can communication training advance your career?

Tips for Clear Confident Pronunciation: The Past Tense

  The key to mastering clear, articulate speech often lies in the details. One pronunciation detail that is often tricky, particularly for non-native English speakers, is how to pronounce the past-test -ed ending. This is because even though it’s written the same way, the past tense can be pronounced three different ways. Check out our […]

Three Simple Tips for a Dynamic, Confident Speaking Voice

Speaking with a strong, dynamic voice is one of the keys to projecting professionalism and leadership in the workplace. Whether speaking to an audience of two or 2000, the ability to speak with a clear, confident voice is essential to commanding the attention of your listener and letting them know your message is worth hearing. […]

Are You Getting These Common English Idioms Wrong?

Most people use more idioms in everyday speech then they realize. A well-placed idioms can make your speech much more colorful and memorable, and can help convey your point in an articulate way. However, often people mishear idioms and say them wrong without realizing. These errors then get incorporated their vocabulary. Misusing an idioms can […]

FAQ: What’s the Best Way to Improve My American English Accent?

Everyone has an accent. An accent is simply a way of speaking a language that is shaped by geography, culture, and native language, among many other things. Many people embrace their accent; it reflects their heritage and culture and is an important reflection of who they are. However, an accent can become problematic if it […]