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Archives of #body language

Poised, Articulate and in Command

“Jayne exemplified what she taught. Poised, articulate, and in command of herself and the audience, she was a great role model for an organization dedicated to professional growth. Our members loved it and have requested an encore presentation.” ~Pauline Kehm, President: American Business Women’s Association

A Great Team

Corporate Speech Solutions helped me prepare for a speech to be given to 500 people. The first two sessions, Alina and I worked on editing my speech to make it more cohesive and powerful. The remaining sessions, Alina coached me on delivery. She helped me identify words that I needed to emphasize, parts of the […]
Man on phone

The Secret to Making Connections? Smile!

Whether you’re garnering new clients, bonding with coworkers, or forging relationships at a networking event, making connections is essential for any professional. A person’s ability to make and keep strong connections is heavily influenced by the quality of their communication skills. While the ability to make small talk and articulately communicate what you and your […]
Close up of eye

Let Your Body Talk: How Body Language Can Improve Your Career

Most of my clients come to my door ready to work on their speaking skills. Whether it’s modifying an accent, improving articulation, or learning to speak with a strong dynamic voice, most people are focused on improving their speech for better communication. Although all of these skills are essential to learning to communicate with clarity […]
Professional meeting

One Simple Tip for Inspiring Trust in the Workplace

  Being perceived as someone who is open, honest, and trustworthy is essential for professional success. Clearly the first step to being seen as honest and trustworthy is actually conducting yourself in an open and honest manner and following through on your word. However, it is also vital that you appear trustworthy as well. Body […]

Is Your Body Language Hurting Your Career?

When my clients come to me, they’re typically focused on how to improve their speaking skills. Learning to communicate with clarity and confidence definitely involves refining the way you speak. But often people are so focused on what it is they’re saying that they lose sight of the fact that the way they move and […]

Does your Body Language Inspire Trust?

Establishing trust is a key part of forging effective business relationships. Whether dealing with a client, colleague or competitor, no one wants to maintain a professional relationship with someone they feel is not trustworthy. As we discussed last week, body language can play a significant part in whether or not you are perceived as someone […]

Two Ways your Body Language Can Inspire Trust

Establishing a foundation of trust is a crucial part of professional relationship development. Whether you are networking with other business professionals, making contacts with potential clients, or simply strengthening relationships with colleagues, coming across as open and honest is essential. Of course, the first step to being perceived as being honest and trustworthy is actually […]

Carry Yourself Like a Professional!

Developing strong professional communication skills requires learning to express yourself in a clear, confident, and articulate manner. However, there are many other non-verbal factors that contribute to projecting a professional, confident image. One of the most basic, but often neglected of these is posture.

Building Trust Through Body Language: Part 2

In the professional world, being viewed as a trustworthy individual is crucial for making connections. Most of us know how to keep someone’s trust once we’ve earned it—by following through on our actions and being open and honest in our professional conduct. But earning that trust in the first place can be tricky. By utilizing […]