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Archives of #business

Man and woman speaking

Business & Corporate Language

Business & corporate language refers to the language and visuals used inwards and outwards. Personalization, consistency, and clarity are essential qualities of effective communication. Corporate Jargon (not business & corporate language!) It is common for employees and leaders to communicate using corporate jargon. These include euphemisms, buzzwords, and vague or ambiguous terms. Using corporate jargon is confusing […]
Shaking hands

Interview Success: Ace Your Next Interview!

What is interview success? How can you achieve it? You might be wondering what tips and tricks are available to help you succeed in your interview, whether virtual or in-person.  Here are some tips to help you with your next interview: Dress appropriately. Whether you are in-person or virtual, you need to dress for success. […]

Are These Common Fillers Bringing Down Your Speech?

How often do you use filler words in your everyday speech? Everyone injects a filler in to their speech once in a while to buy themselves a moment to think or organize their thoughts. However, fillers become a problem when overused. Using too many fillers can distract from your message and can completely change your […]

Are You Muddling Your Message? Tips for Overcoming Language Barriers

  If you’re like most modern professionals, your clients, co-workers, and professional contacts hail from across the globe. This means you interact with people whose first language may not be English on a regular basis. Last week we talked about how using non-literal language (e.g., idioms and slang) can confuse communication with non-native English speakers. […]

Cross Cultural Communication: Do You Make These Mistakes?

Last week, we talked about how many idioms English speakers use in day-to-day conversation, and how learning some basic idioms can help you better understand conversations in the workplace and can make your speech sound more fluent and native-like. Today, we’re going to talk about the other side of the coin: as a native speaker, […]