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Archives of #Communication

How to Handle Tricky Professional Situations with Delicacy and Diplomacy

  Communicating in the business world requires a certain level of finesse and skill. However, some situations are trickier than others. In this week’s blog, we discuss three situations that many people find difficult: offering criticism, saying “no”, and avoiding office gossip.

Are Acronyms Helping or Hindering Your Communication?

Nearly every professional has jargon and specialized vocabulary that pertains to their particular career. Acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations are often used to simplify sometimes complex verbiage. While on the whole, this can make communication simpler and more effective, sometimes these verbal shortcuts can cause even more confusion than the initial terms. Check out our tips […]

Choosing the Best Communication Strategy for Every Situation

With the breakneck pace of technology development, we now have more options than ever for communicating in the workplace. Everyone has certain methods of communication that they’re most comfortable with. However, it’s important to remember that the type of communication you prefer may not necessarily be the best fit for the situation at hand. Whether […]

Are You Undermining Your Credibility with These Misused Words?

People often think that the key to sounding intelligent and articulate is using as many impressive vocabulary words as possible. However this can be risky; if you use words incorrectly, it can significantly undermine your credibility. Before adding a new word to your vocabulary, don’t just guess at its meaning from context. Actually take the […]

Craft a Presentation that Leaves Your Audience Talking

Did you know Corporate Speech Solutions now offers expert support to help you write presentation content? This guidance and writing support from Don Heymann will help you develop clear, powerful content that wins over audiences. Don has been a writer and content strategist for more than 30 years, developing speeches and presentations for Fortune 500 […]

Three Simple Tips for a Dynamic, Confident Speaking Voice

Speaking with a strong, dynamic voice is one of the keys to projecting professionalism and leadership in the workplace. Whether speaking to an audience of two or 2000, the ability to speak with a clear, confident voice is essential to commanding the attention of your listener and letting them know your message is worth hearing. […]
How can communication training advance your career?

How Can Communication Training Help Build My Career?

    Whether negotiating a deal, networking with business contacts, or conducting a meeting, strong communication skills are an essential component of professional success. Poor communication skills can be a significant professional roadblock, and can cost you money, a promotion, or even your job. That’s where communication training comes in.
Make communication your most powerful professional tool!

Four Simple Tips for Polished Professional Etiquette

Making strong connections is essential to professional success. However, one of the simplest ways to forge connections with others is often forgotten: basic professional etiquette. Polishing your etiquette can transform your communication, develop and maintain strong contacts, and expand your professional network. Check out our four tips below!
Make the right first impression!

Are You Making the Right First Impression?

Exactly how much time do you have to make a strong first impression? Research from Experian Credit Expert in the United Kingdom found that the average person forms a first impression in the first 119 seconds of meeting someone new. This means you have just under two minutes to win over an important business contact […]

Use Storytelling to Become a More Dynamic Speaker

The best public speakers know how to present their message in a way that keeps their audience engaged and leaves them thinking about your message long after they leave the room. One of the best ways to connect with your audience and drive home your message is including storytelling in your presentation. Facts, statistics and […]