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Archives of #confidence

Can I Trust You? Tips for Inspiring Trust through Body Language

Whether trying to gain new clients, make a connection with a colleague, or make an impression on your boss, being viewed as trustworthy is essential for making professional connections. Most of us know how to keep someone’s trust once we’ve earned it: by following through on our actions and being open and honest in our […]

Use It or Lose It! Practice for Communication Success

How often do you take the time to practice your communication skills? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably, “not enough!” One of the most common problems with communication training is making progress that transfers over to everyday communication. All too often, people who make excellent progress during formal training sessions have trouble […]

Excuse Me? Handling Interruptions with Grace and Confidence

Being interrupted at work is one of the most frustrating professional experiences. On the one hand, it’s easy to let it slide: you don’t want to upset or alienate your colleagues or superiors, so for many people it seems simpler to do nothing rather than risk a confrontation. However, allowing people to continually interrupt you […]

What’s the Rush? Finding the Perfect Rate of Speech

Have you ever listened to a speaker that flies through their presentation at a breakneck pace? What about a colleague or client who speaks so quickly, you’re exhausted by the end of the conversation, and barely remember what was said? All too often, when people are nervous or excited or eager to convey information, they […]

Crafting a Voicemail Greeting That’s As Polished and Professional As You Are!

How many voicemail messages do you get each week? If you’re like most professionals, you’re often far too busy to answer your phone as it rings and allow most calls to go through to voicemail. This means that a significant number of professional contacts, clients, and business associates listen to your voicemail greeting before they […]

Are Your Voicemails Sending the Right Message?

When was the last time you had to replay a voicemail because you couldn’t understand the caller the first time around? Taking the time to try to decipher a garbled voicemail is irritating at best, and for many busy professionals, not worth the trouble. If a voicemail is difficult to understand, many professionals will simply […]

Let Your Hands Do the Talking! 3 Tips to Make Gestures Work for You

One of the most common questions people have when speaking in public is, “What do I do with my hands?” Some people become overly aware of their hands, and fall into awkward fixed positions (like the “fig leaf” stance: arms straight down with hands clasped together in front of your body). Others move their hands […]

The Eyes Have It!

Do others perceive you as a strong, compelling natural leader? Or someone who is timid, unprofessional or unsure of themselves? Some of the most important factors in projecting professional confidence are non-verbal, including how you meet the gaze of your listener. Learning how to make the right amount and type of eye contact will help […]

Keep It Interesting with Volume Variation

One of the keys to a dynamic, confident speaking voice is adequate volume. A strong, solid speaking voice commands the attention of others, improves clarity, and projects confidence. However, this doesn’t mean you should consistently speak at the same volume. Holding your speaking voice at one volume can be monotonous and cause your listener to […]

Tips for Starting a Conversation at Any Networking Event!

Has this ever happened to you? You head to a networking event, ready to make connections. You’re armed with the perfect elevator pitch and an arsenal of small talk topics, but you can’t quite figure out how to get the conversational ball rolling. Approaching new people and starting a conversation can be a daunting task. […]