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Archives of #Corporate Speech Solutions

Four Easy Steps for Cutting Fillers out of Your Speech!

If you’re like most people, filler words and phrases creep into your speech much more than you realize. What exactly is a filler? My basic definition is any word or phrase that doesn’t add content or value to your message, for example, “um”, “like”, and “you know” (for a list of common fillers, check out […]

Are You Muddling Your Message? Tips for Overcoming Language Barriers

  If you’re like most modern professionals, your clients, co-workers, and professional contacts hail from across the globe. This means you interact with people whose first language may not be English on a regular basis. Last week we talked about how using non-literal language (e.g., idioms and slang) can confuse communication with non-native English speakers. […]

Cross Cultural Communication: Do You Make These Mistakes?

Last week, we talked about how many idioms English speakers use in day-to-day conversation, and how learning some basic idioms can help you better understand conversations in the workplace and can make your speech sound more fluent and native-like. Today, we’re going to talk about the other side of the coin: as a native speaker, […]

Does Your Voicemail Greeting Send the Right Message?

How many calls do you let go through to your voicemail each day? In an age where more and more professionals use their voicemail as their personal secretary, it is essential to have a voicemail greeting that is as polished and professional as you are. Take a look at the following tips to make sure […]

Personal Space: Finding the Right Distance

Have you ever been in a conversation with a “close talker”? Interacting with someone who invades your personal space can be, at minimum, irritating, and for some, can be a significant source of discomfort and anxiety. Having a person stand too far away during a conversation can also be problematic; too much distance can be […]

Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Empowering Female Leaders through Communication

  With International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, March is a great time to reflect on how gender can impact professional success. Did you know that female representation drops at each level of advancement of corporate America, with the result that only 20% of C-suite roles are occupied by women? There are a wide […]

Small Talk – The Key to Networking

Networking is essential for professional success. The ability to meet and connect with potential professional connections is one of the most important keys to growth in the business world. However, networking is more than simply meeting others in your field and introducing yourself and your services. The most successful networkers are those that make a […]

The 4 Cs of Getting More Referrals: A guest blog by Vikram Rajan

  Welcome to First Thursday! On the first Thursday of each month, Corporate Speech Solutions features an expert who has a skill or expertise that will enhance your professional skill set. Today, we’re joined by Vikram Rajan, co-founder of Raviate.com and phoneBlogger.net. Read on as Vikram shares with us how you can use communication to […]

Which Behavior Interferes the Most with Business Success? The Results Are In!

  Strong communication skills are essential to professional success. But what exactly are the elements of strong communication? As executive communication coaches, we’re aware that there are a range of factors that can make or break a professional interaction. However, we were curious to see which ones business professionals perceived as having the biggest influence […]