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Archives of #Corporate

Sometimes It’s What’s on the Outside That Counts!

You may have been taught to “never judge a book by its cover,” but in the professional world, personal appearance can be a defining factor in how others perceive you. Studies have shown that people make decisions and form opinions about others within the first 30 seconds of meeting them. During this short window of […]

Get Paid What You’re Worth! 3 Simple Tips for Negotiating a Raise

  Have you ever felt that your paycheck doesn’t quite measure up to your professional contribution and skill? It may be time to ask for a raise! Negotiating a raise can be a tricky topic, and many professionals avoid it for fear of sounding demanding or creating an uncomfortable situation. However, it’s often a necessary […]

Choosing the Best Communication Strategy for Every Situation

With the breakneck pace of technology development, we now have more options than ever for communicating in the workplace. Everyone has certain methods of communication that they’re most comfortable with. However, it’s important to remember that the type of communication you prefer may not necessarily be the best fit for the situation at hand. Whether […]

Put Your Best Voice Forward

Have you ever listened to a recording of yourself and asked, “Is that how I really sound?!” There are many complaints people have about their voice: that it’s too whiny, too nasal, too high-pitched, too soft or any other host of issues. Poor voice quality isn’t just an aesthetic issue. A clear, dynamic voice is […]
Make the right first impression!

Are You Making the Right First Impression?

Exactly how much time do you have to make a strong first impression? Research from Experian Credit Expert in the United Kingdom found that the average person forms a first impression in the first 119 seconds of meeting someone new. This means you have just under two minutes to win over an important business contact […]

Use Storytelling to Become a More Dynamic Speaker

The best public speakers know how to present their message in a way that keeps their audience engaged and leaves them thinking about your message long after they leave the room. One of the best ways to connect with your audience and drive home your message is including storytelling in your presentation. Facts, statistics and […]

FAQ: How Can I Project My Voice?

  What kind of an impression does your voice make? When speaking in public, using a strong, dynamic voice that projects to the very back of the audience is essential. A strong voice ensures that every member of your audience hears your message, whether you’re speaking to an audience of two or 2000. In addition, […]

FAQs: What can I do if I get nervous speaking in front of others?

  Does the thought of speaking in front of a group make you break out in a cold sweat? Do you find yourself rambling or struggling to find the right words when speaking in front of your colleagues or clients? If so, you’re not alone. Public speaking is one of the most common fears in […]

Are You Muddling Your Message? Tips for Overcoming Language Barriers

  If you’re like most modern professionals, your clients, co-workers, and professional contacts hail from across the globe. This means you interact with people whose first language may not be English on a regular basis. Last week we talked about how using non-literal language (e.g., idioms and slang) can confuse communication with non-native English speakers. […]

Cross Cultural Communication: Do You Make These Mistakes?

Last week, we talked about how many idioms English speakers use in day-to-day conversation, and how learning some basic idioms can help you better understand conversations in the workplace and can make your speech sound more fluent and native-like. Today, we’re going to talk about the other side of the coin: as a native speaker, […]
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