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Archives of #handshake

Make the right first impression!

Make an Impression with the Perfect Handshake

Knowing how to make a great first impression is essential to developing relationships and climbing the professional ladder. One of the best ways to project confidence and professionalism in the first moments of meeting someone is with your handshake. What does your handshake say about you and how can you improve it? Read the following […]

3 Tips for the Perfect Handshake

What kind of a first impression do you give colleagues and clients? One of the best ways to convey a confident, professional image in the first moments of meeting someone is with your handshake. But what makes the difference between a memorable, professional handshake and one that leaves the other person cold? When perfecting the art […]

3 Tips for the Perfect Handshake

They say that people form an impression of another person within the first 30 seconds of meeting. One of the critical activities that take place during this time is the handshake. You only have one chance to make a first impression; make sure your handshake reflects your professionalism and confidence. Not all handshakes are created […]

First Impressions: Part 3

Knowing how to make a strong first impression is key in creating business contacts and developing professional relationships. Today, we continue our series on how to make sure you’re creating a strong professional image from the very beginning: