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Archives of #Non-native English speakers

Are You Being Understood? Communicating with Clarity with Non-Native Speakers

As globalization increases, our world becomes smaller and smaller. Chances are, nearly everyone reading this blog has at least one colleague, customer, or work-related acquaintance who is a non-native speaker of English. Because non-native speakers can vary in their mastery of the language, the occasional communication breakdown is bound to occur. When this happens, it […]

Are You Muddling Your Message? Tips for Overcoming Language Barriers

  If you’re like most modern professionals, your clients, co-workers, and professional contacts hail from across the globe. This means you interact with people whose first language may not be English on a regular basis. Last week we talked about how using non-literal language (e.g., idioms and slang) can confuse communication with non-native English speakers. […]

Cross Cultural Communication: Do You Make These Mistakes?

Last week, we talked about how many idioms English speakers use in day-to-day conversation, and how learning some basic idioms can help you better understand conversations in the workplace and can make your speech sound more fluent and native-like. Today, we’re going to talk about the other side of the coin: as a native speaker, […]

Improving Communication with Non-native English Speakers

In the increasingly multicultural workplace, having a working team with a variety of language backgrounds is quickly becoming the norm. Last week we talked about how corporate speech-language therapy and speech accent training can help you to improve your American English Accent and increase your business communication skills. Today, we’ll take a look at the […]