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Archives of #nyc

Volume Variation: The Key to a Dynamic Voice

The quality of your voice can have a significant impact on how others perceive you and your message. One aspect of your voice that can change the impact you have on others is your volume. While a strong voice is one of the key components to sounding like a confident professional, varying your volume can […]

3 Steps to Warm-up Your Voice for Maximum Power!

Projecting your voice in a strong, clear manner doesn’t just make your speech easier to understand; it also gives your listener the impression that you are confident in your message and that you are a natural leader. Warming up properly before speaking can go a long way towards developing a strong, dynamic voice. Take a […]

3 Ways You Can Use Volume to Increase Your Communicative Power!

Have you ever been in a conversation or at a presentation where you had difficulty understanding the speaker because they didn’t project their voice loudly enough? Not only does speaking too quietly make it difficult for your listener to understand you, but it also can affect how others perceive you. Speaking at a consistently low […]