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Archives of #nyc

Women at podium

Communication Success for Women in Leadership Roles

When it comes to professional leadership, the ability to communicate with clarity, confidence, and executive presence is one of the most essential skills for success. This means you need to polish not only your content and message, but the way you deliver it. According to research published by the Wall Street Journal, how you say […]
Man on phone

Do Your Voicemails Get Results?

  If you’re like most professionals, you find that the majority of your phone calls during the workday end with leaving a voicemail. As workdays become increasingly packed, more and more professionals are letting their voicemail serve as their personal secretary, screening incoming calls and then prioritizing who to call back. In order to stand […]
Man on phone

Do Your Telephone Skills Need Work? 3 Simple Tips

If you’re like most professionals, a significant portion of your day-to-day communication happens over the phone. Communicating over the phone can be even trickier than in-person communication—without the non-verbal cues that we rely on in face-to-face conversations, it can be harder to effectively communicate your message. Take a look at our three simple tips to […]

Check out these 3 Easy Tips for Improving your American English Pronunciation

Do people often ask you to repeat yourself? Do you feel like your English communication skills are getting in the way of your professional success? One of the most difficult parts of speaking in a foreign language is mastering all of the subtle differences in pronunciation. While learning vocabulary and grammar from a textbook may […]
Jack Appleman

Tone Down Your Emails: A guest blog by Jack Appleman

Welcome to our very first First Thursday! In 2016, on the First Thursday of every month we will feature an expert “guest blogger” in a related field that has a skill or expertise that will complement our services and enhance your professional skill set. Today, we’re joined by Jack Appleman, author of the top-selling 10 […]
Woman writing

 Four Written Errors You Might Not Know You’re Making!

we gave some great strategies for creating a strong professional e-mail that gets a response. Although e-mail form and etiquette are essential, another important issue in professional written communication is spelling. Since nearly all of your software programs likely incorporate an automatic spell-check function, you may think that you don’t need to monitor your spelling […]

How Communication Can Land You Your Dream Job

Whether or not an interview is successful is more than just luck; there are skills you can learn and practice in advance in order to interview well and make employers want to add you to their team. One critical aspect of being a good interviewer is excellent communication. Since strong communication skills are essential in […]

Land the Job: 4 Essential Tips to Ace the Interview

  Did you know that the average American will hold between five and fifteen jobs in their professional life? With competition in today’s job market tougher than ever, knowing how to handle an interview in a professional, confident way that makes you stand out from the crowd is essential to professional success. Since strong communication […]
Man on phone

The Secret to Making Connections? Smile!

Whether you’re garnering new clients, bonding with coworkers, or forging relationships at a networking event, making connections is essential for any professional. A person’s ability to make and keep strong connections is heavily influenced by the quality of their communication skills. While the ability to make small talk and articulately communicate what you and your […]
Man and woman speaking

Master the Art of Small Talk with these Simple Tips!

All too often, people in the professional world think of small talk as a waste of time: Why chat about the weather when you could be getting down to business? However, the ability to connect with others and discuss non-work related topics can be essential to your career and greatly improve your networking ability. The […]