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Archives of #speak clearly

Cultivate executive presence with communication!

The Art of Confident Communication: Tips and Strategies for Enhancing Your Executive Presence

Having executive presence is a critical attribute for professionals seeking to climb the corporate ladder in today’s fast-paced and competitive environment.  According to Forbes magazine, “executive presence is a skill, not a trait — that means it’s something you can cultivate and build.” In addition to technical expertise and knowledge, confident communication skills enhance your […]
Accent and Pronunciation Services

Accent Reduction Training – What Is It and Why Is It So Important?

Accent Reduction Training, (also known as Business Communication Skill Training for the Non-Native English speaker-and used here interchangeably), is designed to build spoken clarity through phonetics and linguistics.  Our Accent Reduction Training for Non-Native English Speakers is important because it aims to eliminate misunderstandings in the workplace by building clear, articulate and confident communication.  With […]

Use It or Lose It! Practice for Communication Success

How often do you take the time to practice your communication skills? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably, “not enough!” One of the most common problems with communication training is making progress that transfers over to everyday communication. All too often, people who make excellent progress during formal training sessions have trouble […]

What’s the Rush? Finding the Perfect Rate of Speech

Have you ever listened to a speaker that flies through their presentation at a breakneck pace? What about a colleague or client who speaks so quickly, you’re exhausted by the end of the conversation, and barely remember what was said? All too often, when people are nervous or excited or eager to convey information, they […]

It’s Better Speech and Hearing Month!How Can a Corporate Speech Pathologist Help You?

Did you know May is Better Speech and Hearing Month? Each May, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) celebrates this campaign to raise public awareness of how speech-language pathology services can help improve communication skills and overall quality of life. In support of ASHA’s campaign, today we’re focusing our blog on corporate speech-language pathology: what it […]
Cultivate executive presence with communication!

3 Simple Strategies to Develop Executive Presence

Everyone knows at least one person who seems to effortlessly stand out from the crowd. The person who instantly commands attention when then walk into a room and who everyone seems to gravitate toward. What is it that this person has that makes them so engaging and charismatic? Executive presence.

Put Your Best Voice Forward

Have you ever listened to a recording of yourself and asked, “Is that how I really sound?!” There are many complaints people have about their voice: that it’s too whiny, too nasal, too high-pitched, too soft or any other host of issues. Poor voice quality isn’t just an aesthetic issue. A clear, dynamic voice is […]

Use Storytelling to Become a More Dynamic Speaker

The best public speakers know how to present their message in a way that keeps their audience engaged and leaves them thinking about your message long after they leave the room. One of the best ways to connect with your audience and drive home your message is including storytelling in your presentation. Facts, statistics and […]

Does Your Voicemail Greeting Send the Right Message?

How many calls do you let go through to your voicemail each day? In an age where more and more professionals use their voicemail as their personal secretary, it is essential to have a voicemail greeting that is as polished and professional as you are. Take a look at the following tips to make sure […]

Seven Ways a Corporate SLP Can Help Your Career!

            Each May, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) celebrates Better Speech and Hearing Month, a campaign to raise public awareness of how speech-language pathology services can help improve communication skills and overall quality of life; personally and professionally. Communication weaknesses can be a challenge in any situation, but they can […]