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Archives of #speaking voice

Warm Up for Vocal Power on Your Next Video Call

Speaking in a strong, dynamic voice is essential for getting your message across in a clear, confident, professional way. One way to create a more engaging speaking voice is to warm up. Warming up is especially important when you’re working from home. Without the normal office routine of chatting with coworkers, walking between workspaces, or […]

Get Ready to Influence, Impact, and Inspire in 2020!

Happy New Year! As we jump into the new year, resolve to make communication your most powerful professional tool! Check out our New Year’s Resolutions below to help you get the year started on the right foot and help you build your communication and career in 2020.

Keep It Interesting with Volume Variation

One of the keys to a dynamic, confident speaking voice is adequate volume. A strong, solid speaking voice commands the attention of others, improves clarity, and projects confidence. However, this doesn’t mean you should consistently speak at the same volume. Holding your speaking voice at one volume can be monotonous and cause your listener to […]

Put Your Best Voice Forward

Have you ever listened to a recording of yourself and asked, “Is that how I really sound?!” There are many complaints people have about their voice: that it’s too whiny, too nasal, too high-pitched, too soft or any other host of issues. Poor voice quality isn’t just an aesthetic issue. A clear, dynamic voice is […]

Three Simple Tips for a Dynamic, Confident Speaking Voice

Speaking with a strong, dynamic voice is one of the keys to projecting professionalism and leadership in the workplace. Whether speaking to an audience of two or 2000, the ability to speak with a clear, confident voice is essential to commanding the attention of your listener and letting them know your message is worth hearing. […]

A Dynamic Speaking Voice Starts with Good Vocal Hygiene!

A confident, commanding speaking voice is essential to successful public speaking. It doesn’t matter how excellent the content of your presentation is: if your speaking voice is weak or unpleasant to listen to, your message will be negatively impacted. The first step to a strong, effective speaking voice begins with good habits which keep your […]

Losing Your Voice? Acid Reflux May Be The Culprit!

When people develop a hoarse or raspy voice, they may point the finger at several culprits: shouting, talking for an extended period of time, the common cold. But one common source of vocal irritation often gets overlooked: acid reflux. Typically when people think of acid reflux, they think of the burning, irritating digestive discomfort that […]

Is Your Voice Affecting Your Career?

Unless there is an obvious problem, most of us don’t give more than an occasional passing thought to how our voice sounds. However, new research on how vocal quality affects others’ perceptions may make you think twice. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal discusses a study that shows that the quality of your […]