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Archives of #vocal care

4 Tips for Keeping Your Speaking Voice Strong and Healthy

A strong, dynamic voice is essential to projecting confidence in professional speaking. It doesn’t matter how strong your material is: if your speaking voice is weak or unpleasant to listen to, your message will be negatively impacted. Developing a strong, effective speaking voice begins with taking care of your voice so it functions well. Unfortunately, […]

Joann Wasserman

Dear Jayne, Thank you for a wonderful and information performance at The  American Business Women’s Association on New York. Your expertise and guidance has improved and enriched my every day life as well as my business skills. Corporate Speech Solutions has taught me how “Projection” is extremely important for boosting confidence. And slowing down my […]

Vocal Care

Whenever an occasion for public speaking arises, a number of thoughts and worries tend to pop up: Do I know my material well enough? Will the audience be bored? How do I phrase what I want to say just right? While content and language should certainly be primary concerns, there is another aspect of public […]