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Archives of #vocal coach

This Could Be You!

Do you want to use communication to take your career to the next level? After undergoing communication training with Corporate Speech Solutions, one of our clients, S.A., landed a new job and thanked Corporate Speech Solutions for the part we played in helping him to communicate more effectively and move up the corporate ladder. Check […]

Does Your Voice Make You Sound Older than You Are?

As our society becomes ever more focused on youth, we’re constantly bombarded by a steady stream of products designed to make you look as young as possible. However, recently, there has been an increasing interest in sounding young as well. Because a dynamic, commanding voice is an essential part of a confident professional presence, many […]

Put Your Best Voice Forward

Have you ever listened to a recording of yourself and asked, “Is that how I really sound?!” There are many complaints people have about their voice: that it’s too whiny, too nasal, too high-pitched, too soft or any other host of issues. Poor voice quality isn’t just an aesthetic issue. A clear, dynamic voice is […]

FAQ: How Can I Project My Voice?

  What kind of an impression does your voice make? When speaking in public, using a strong, dynamic voice that projects to the very back of the audience is essential. A strong voice ensures that every member of your audience hears your message, whether you’re speaking to an audience of two or 2000. In addition, […]
Woman standing

Are You Speaking With Your Best Voice?

  How does your voice impact your career? Last week, in support of Better Speech and Hearing Month, we talked about some of the ways a speech-language pathologist can help people communicate. Today we’ll focus more closely on one of those areas: voice training. A speech-language pathologist can help a person speak with their best […]

Are You Taking Care of Your Voice? An Interview with Margaret Marshall

Welcome to our second First Thursday of 2016! On the first Thursday of every month we feature an expert in a related field that has a skill or expertise that will enhance your professional skill set. Today, we’re joined by Margaret Marshall. As “The Healthy Living Expert,” Margaret provides people with uncomplicated, realistic strategies to […]

Four Easy Ways to Keep Your Voice Healthy

Speaking with a strong, dynamic voice is essential to projecting professionalism and leadership in the workplace. Just like any other part of your body, you need to take care of your voice to keep it healthy and functioning well. Here are just a few strategies you can use to make sure you’re keeping your voice […]

3 Steps to Warm-up Your Voice for Maximum Power!

Projecting your voice in a strong, clear manner doesn’t just make your speech easier to understand; it also gives your listener the impression that you are confident in your message and that you are a natural leader. Warming up properly before speaking can go a long way towards developing a strong, dynamic voice. Take a […]