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Archives of #vocal hygiene

Get Ready to Influence, Impact, and Inspire in 2020!

Happy New Year! As we jump into the new year, resolve to make communication your most powerful professional tool! Check out our New Year’s Resolutions below to help you get the year started on the right foot and help you build your communication and career in 2020.

A Dynamic Speaking Voice Starts with Good Vocal Hygiene!

A confident, commanding speaking voice is essential to successful public speaking. It doesn’t matter how excellent the content of your presentation is: if your speaking voice is weak or unpleasant to listen to, your message will be negatively impacted. The first step to a strong, effective speaking voice begins with good habits which keep your […]

4 Tips for Keeping Your Speaking Voice Strong and Healthy

A strong, dynamic voice is essential to projecting confidence in professional speaking. It doesn’t matter how strong your material is: if your speaking voice is weak or unpleasant to listen to, your message will be negatively impacted. Developing a strong, effective speaking voice begins with taking care of your voice so it functions well. Unfortunately, […]

Are You Taking Care of Your Voice? An Interview with Margaret Marshall

Welcome to our second First Thursday of 2016! On the first Thursday of every month we feature an expert in a related field that has a skill or expertise that will enhance your professional skill set. Today, we’re joined by Margaret Marshall. As “The Healthy Living Expert,” Margaret provides people with uncomplicated, realistic strategies to […]