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Etiquette: More than the Correct Fork, a guest blog by Doris Young Boyer


Welcome to First Thursday! On the first Thursday of each month, Corporate Speech Solutions features an expert that has a skill or expertise that will enhance your professional skill set. Today, we’re joined by Doris Young Boyer, President of Global Protocol and Influence, an etiquette and protocol consulting firm. For over 20 years, Doris has helped executives and corporations incorporate etiquette into their work to increase their success. Today, she shares some of the many ways that you can make etiquette work for you in your professional life.

When many people hear the term etiquette, the think of dining and party manners. Others think of putting on airs or getting on a “high horse”. While etiquette training advocates the high road, it is not haughty.

Etiquette knowledge is for everyday, from the gum wrapper you put in the trash, to the door you hold for the person behind you, to the way you speak to your children or your employees.

The topic is very broad and very practical. It covers the mindset of how you treat others and the skills you use on a regular basis. Etiquette’s foundation is courtesy, graciousness and power.

Etiquette knowledge covers home training, relationships, leadership, problem solving, communication, business protocols, image, having a global viewpoint, having a commitment to civility, valuing others, resolving conflict, wisdom, confidence, poise, polish, social savvy, interviewing for a job, generating revenue, being part of a team, a respectful workplace, a positive and civil community, customer service, freedom, productivity, gracious living and yes, party manners and dining. Quite a list!

This non-negotiable life skill is the ticket to all you desire to accomplish. I refer to etiquette knowledge as an insurance policy that helps us avoid unintentional and preventable mistakes. This body of knowledge helps you know what may work before a situation arises and gives you a feeling of confidence and power. Napoleon Hill says “Power is organized and intelligently directed knowledge”. I call the confidence that results from knowing how to navigate business and social situations with a variety of skills EtiquettePower™ (EQP).

EtiquettePower™ creates an inner knowing that leaves you free to concentrate on whatever is taking place at the moment rather than just yourself.

One of my readers asked if this isn’t just common sense. I say in my book, Mastering the Art of Success, that common sense can be cultural, geographical or situational. As the world becomes more global, etiquette and business protocol will become more universal, intentional, strategic and hopefully, more common.

Doris Young Boyer is a keynote speaker on Gracious Leadership, an author, and an Etiquette and Protocol and Lifestyle Coach. Ms. Boyer has been trained by the Protocol School of Washington and is an Advisor for the C-Suite Network. www.Linkedin.com/in/dorisYoungBoyer

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