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Remote Work Challenges: Navigating Pitfalls for Optimal Success

Communication can be a challenge to so many in perfect circumstances, adding a mask to the equation makes communication even more difficult. How can we learn to communicate more effectively with your mask? Learn how to prevent this additional barrier from coming between our growth up the corporate ladder.

Use Diaphragmatic Breathing to Project your Voice

The number one key to a strong, dynamic speaking voice is breath support. In order to achieve a strong, clear voice without straining, you should be breathing from your abdomen, not your chest. Take a moment to take a deep breath. As you inhale, focus on relaxing your abdomen, and letting your stomach and lower ribs expand outward. This type of breathing (diaphragmatic breathing) gives you the best support and the ability to control your breathing and project your voice. 

Clearly Articulate to Be Better Understood

Clarity counts. Again this is such an important time to make sure you are not mumbling and swallowing the ends of your words. Clearly articulate all the sounds, all the syllables, and definitely those final sounds.

Finish Your Words: 

There are many pairs of words in the English language that only differ by their final sounds. If you don’t finish the last sound of each word, your listener may misunderstand you, or be so focused on figuring out what you just said, that they miss your next point. Make sure to pronounce each and every sound of every word; your message will be clearer, and you will come across as professional and articulate.

Pause for clarity: 

Speaking too quickly can make your speech difficult to understand and increases the likelihood of your listener missing key information. This is particularly problematic when either you or your listener is a non-native speaker of English. In order to make sure your message is fully understood, pause when providing important information. For example, pause between your first and last name and between each of the words in your company name when introducing yourself. Also, insert a couple of pauses when giving your telephone number; not only does this make it easy to understand, but it naturally “chunks” the information, making it easier to remember. Practice saying your number with the pause. For example, my number is 212 (pause) 308 (pause) 7725. Practice daily and it will become a natural way of speaking.

If you’re ready to take your speech to the next level with the power of the pause, contact us to learn more about Corporate Speech Solutions’ Strategic Marking System™, our method that helps you decide where to pause and for how long, to make your presentations and personal communication as effective as possible. 

At Corporate Speech Solutions, we use our background as speech-language pathologists to work with organizations and individuals like you to advance your career by communicating with clarity, confidence, and credibility. Email us at info@corporatespeechsolutions.com to receive our complimentary copy of “The Power of The Pause.”

Want to learn more? Check out the video below!