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Breaking the Cycle: Why New Year’s Resolutions Fall Short

It’s finally 2022! 🥳 

The holiday season is over, the festivities have come to an end, and the Christmas decorations are stored away for another year. So what do many of us do next? That’s right, we start working on our New Year’s Resolutions! But before you continue your long list of resolutions, here’s an absolute shocker for you: most New Year’s resolutions don’t work. *gasps*

Yes. You read that right.

According to research, only 19 percent of individuals keep their resolutions. Most are abandoned by mid-January.

Here’s why: most resolutions lack willpower. Willpower is not an alien term to us, you’ve probably heard that a million times over since the day you were born.

But what really is willpower?

According to APA (American Psychological Association), willpower is the ability to delay gratification and resist short-term temptations to meet long-term goals.

Therefore, a New Year’s resolution isn’t just a fad we follow every January. It’s a commitment to develop and enhance our willpower so we can achieve all the things we’ve written down. 

Here are a few tips to help you develop and enhance your willpower:

  • Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Don’t take on too much at once. Instead, start setting small, achievable goals and focus on accomplishing the tasks at hand. Doing so many things at once will burn you out, possibly within a few weeks.
  • Reward yourself. Rewarding yourself helps your brain elicit positive emotions or dopamine. Thus, rewarding yourself will help you stay motivated to do more and achieve more.
  • Get support from others. A wise man once said, “If you want to go faster, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” So if you want to be more successful in completing your New Year’s resolution, get yourself an accountability partner. That could be your spouse, friend, colleague, or you can even join groups who have the same interests as you.

Now, I want you to go back to your New Year’s Resolutions list, review it, and ask yourself:

Do I have what it takes to develop the willpower I need to achieve my New Year’s Resolutions?

If you answered no — then you might want to check off some of the items in your list to save yourself from failure and disappointment. But if you answered a strong yes — well, congratulations!!! You’ve just unlocked the first step to completing your New Year’s Resolutions and initially investing in yourself.

The first and biggest investment you can award yourself is to develop a life skill that can help you achieve whatever your heart desires, and that is willpower.

The second biggest investment is to join my 1:1 individual coaching or to join Speak to Lead. That is if you want to build clarity, confidence, and a successful career in 2022. Our goal is that you Speak Every Day with Impact. 

You might even want to get started with our free gift! 🎁  Learn to Pronounce, Project and Present with Greater Clarity and Greater Confidence with 10 Simple Tips! Claim your gift here.


Jayne Latz, is an executive communication coach and trainer, and President and Founder of Corporate Speech Solutions, LLC. Jayne works with organizations and individuals to ensure they deliver their message in a clear and concise manner with confidence.  For more information contact Jayne Latz at info@corporatespeechsolutions.com or visit:  http://www.corporatespeechsolutions.com/

Copyright 2021, Jayne Latz.
Jayne Latz works with organizations that want to communicate with greater clarity, confidence, and credibility.

Email: Jayne@corporatespeechsolutions.com
Phone: 212.308.7725  
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaynelatz/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jayne.latz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jayne.latzcss/