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Archive of month: March 2019

It was great Jayne!

It was great Jayne!  I learned so much the first session.  I’m starting to nail the word “asked”! (1st session with our trainer, Laurie Giamella)

Breathe for Success!

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t put much thought into how you breathe. You breathe in and out as you go about your day, without stopping to consider exactly how you’re breathing. However, the way in which you breathe can make a big difference in your communication. Proper breath support and control can […]

A boost to self-confidence

Thank you for your amazing support, your patience, and your unique way to support me not only to improve my communication skills, but also, my self-esteem, and confidence.   Angie Destefano Program Manager
Cultivate executive presence with communication!

3 Simple Strategies to Develop Executive Presence

Everyone knows at least one person who seems to effortlessly stand out from the crowd. The person who instantly commands attention when then walk into a room and who everyone seems to gravitate toward. What is it that this person has that makes them so engaging and charismatic? Executive presence.
Make the right first impression!

Make an Impression with the Perfect Handshake

Knowing how to make a great first impression is essential to developing relationships and climbing the professional ladder. One of the best ways to project confidence and professionalism in the first moments of meeting someone is with your handshake. What does your handshake say about you and how can you improve it? Read the following […]
Breaking through the glass ceiling

It’s International Women’s Day: Shatter the Glass Ceiling with Communication!

Did you know that female representation drops at each level of advancement of corporate America, with the result that only 22% of C-suite roles are occupied by women? Importantly, the study that produced this finding also found that women and men stay at their companies and ask for promotions at similar rates. This means this […]