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Archives of #confident speech


Improve Your Communication & Leadership Skills Through the Power of Active Listening!

The cornerstone of successful business relationships is effective communication. Active listening is often overlooked as we focus on how well we express ourselves. You can improve your communication and leadership skills through the power of active listening!  Let’s explore how active listening can transform your communication and leadership skills: Improved Communication Skills: Communication skills are […]
Cultivate executive presence with communication!

The Art of Confident Communication: Tips and Strategies for Enhancing Your Executive Presence

Having executive presence is a critical attribute for professionals seeking to climb the corporate ladder in today’s fast-paced and competitive environment.  According to Forbes magazine, “executive presence is a skill, not a trait — that means it’s something you can cultivate and build.” In addition to technical expertise and knowledge, confident communication skills enhance your […]

The Secret to Improving Your Communication Skills: Record Yourself!

The ability to communicate effectively is a fundamental skill that can have a significant impact in any professional role. A powerful, yet often overlooked, tip for improving your communication skills is to record yourself. But why? Observing and listening to yourself through self-reflection can be valuable for improving. When I present to audiences, it is […]
How to rock your next virtual presentation

How to Think on Your Feet, Even Under Pressure and Sound Like the Expert You Are

Learning to like a leader who can exude confidence and think on their feet under pressure is an invaluable skill in today’s dynamic and fast-paced world. The way you communicate can have a significant impact on your professional and personal success, whether you’re giving a presentation, participating in a meeting, or engaging in impromptu conversations. […]
Man asking question in seminar

From Aspiring Leader to Successful Leader: Achieving Your Goals

Are you an aspiring leader? Being a successful leader comes from both who you are and what you do. It includes, but is not limited to, setting an example, providing guidance, and directing others. What do you need to do to become a successful leader? Here are three tips to help you transform from an […]

Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Empowering Female Leaders through Communication

  With International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, March is a great time to reflect on how gender can impact professional success. Did you know that female representation drops at each level of advancement of corporate America, with the result that only 20% of C-suite roles are occupied by women? There are a wide […]
Make communication your most powerful professional tool!

Negotiate Like the Professional You Are

If you’re like most professionals, negotiation is a part of your daily life. Whether you’re negotiating a raise, working out the details of a contract, or deciding how a project will be run, knowing how to sway others to your side is essential to professional success. However, negotiation isn’t just about getting what you want; […]
Jayne Latz presenting

Articulate Your Way To Success

Workshop on Articulate your way to success presented by Jayne Latz on 11-01-2016. I had great time with Jayne  as every word, sentence she spoke for an hour and half ,was very informative in terms of reducing foreign accent reduction, building  vocal power, communicating with clarity and confidence ,eliminating filler words etc etc. Looking forward […]

Present with confidence

Unsolicited email from client: Jayne, Belated, thank you so much for your support. Paul was great teaching me many things that are all very useful. I had a 30 minute speech to give in front of over 100 people right after the last session with him. It was a success. Nonetheless, I need to practice […]

Public Speaking: Get Your Body Ready

Public speaking can be an intimidating task, but a little preparation goes a long way towards making it less daunting. Last week, we discussed how to prepare your voice for speaking in front of a group. While relaxing your face is an important component of confident public speaking, many people neglect another critical preparation technique: […]