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Archive of month: November 2019

Public Speaking feedback for a company presentation

Hi Margo, Hey I just wanted to share the text I got from my VP about an interview I did today for a huge new project. I owned the room, my confidence and communication was impeccable and I have you to thank! It was really something special and I know it was because of all […]

Is Your Vocabulary Undermining Your Credibility

Communication style is a key aspect of projecting confidence and professionalism in the workplace. Developing a strong, dynamic speaking voice, clear speech, and confident body language are all essential to a confident image. However, the words we choose can also have a significant impact on how others perceive us. There are many words and phrases […]

It made a tremendous difference!

(a satisfied client after sitting on a panel presentation) It was great! I received a lot of positive feedback and even had people come up to me afterward with follow up questions.   I feel like my delivery was good too and that I spoke up an appropriate amount.  Thank you for your support, encouragement, […]

Why Public Speaking Is Essential for Professional Leadership

Whether negotiating a deal, networking with business contacts, or conducting a meeting, strong communication and presentation skills are an essential component of professional success. Poor communication skills can be a significant professional roadblock, and can cost you money, a promotion, or even your job. In today’s business environment we are presenting all day long whether […]