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Archives of #communication coach

Training is going great

Margo is so knowledgeable and a great trainer! She challenges me and makes it fun! I am embracing what she is teaching me! Best, Lesley
Man asking question in seminar

From Aspiring Leader to Successful Leader: Achieving Your Goals

Are you an aspiring leader? Being a successful leader comes from both who you are and what you do. It includes, but is not limited to, setting an example, providing guidance, and directing others. What do you need to do to become a successful leader? Here are three tips to help you transform from an […]
What Employees Want?

What do employees most want from their employers?

Are you fostering the kind of culture that keeps employees happy? Do you know what your employees really want? You may spend a great deal of time guessing what your next move for employee engagement and retention should be. Sometimes you may think you know what your employees want, but employee engagement is a significant […]

The Art of Saying “No”

Do you find yourself constantly agreeing to projects that you don’t have time for? Have you found yourself endorsing ideas you don’t fully believe because you’re afraid saying “no” will damage your professional relationships? Many professionals are afraid that saying “no” to a colleague or client will make them seem unpleasant or difficult, and find […]

Focused, Efficient Meetings in 3 Easy Steps!

Meetings are essential for any business. They give everyone an opportunity to share ideas and be kept up-to-date on important information. However, anyone who has ever worked in a corporate environment is all too aware that meetings can become a drawn-out, ineffective waste of time and money. One of the key ingredients for a meeting […]

This Could Be You!

Do you want to use communication to take your career to the next level? After undergoing communication training with Corporate Speech Solutions, one of our clients, S.A., landed a new job and thanked Corporate Speech Solutions for the part we played in helping him to communicate more effectively and move up the corporate ladder. Check […]

Sometimes It’s What’s on the Outside That Counts!

You may have been taught to “never judge a book by its cover,” but in the professional world, personal appearance can be a defining factor in how others perceive you. Studies have shown that people make decisions and form opinions about others within the first 30 seconds of meeting them. During this short window of […]

Handling Conflict with Grace: 3 Communication Tips

Even the most pleasant and easy-going person is bound to get into a conflict on the job once in a while. Being able to handle conflict while maintaining your professionalism and preserving your relationships with colleagues and clients is an essential skill for success in the workplace. One of the keys to navigating a tense […]