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Archive of month: October 2019

Don’t Let Shortcuts Ruin Your Image!

How often do you say “yeah” instead of “yes”? What about “wanna” or “gonna” instead of “want to” or “going to”? Does slang sneak into your speech in formal situations? Taking verbal shortcuts is common in day-to-day conversation and perfectly acceptable when chatting with friends or acquaintances. But letting this type of speech creep into […]

Helping Worldwide – Follow our Youtube Channel

I’m from Philippines and I’m following you these past few days to learn more on how to improve my communication skills. I am fascinated and astonished by  the way you speak and present yourself in front of your audience. I’ll be forever be grateful by the efforts you’ve made on creating this website for I […]

Can I Trust You? Tips for Inspiring Trust through Body Language

Whether trying to gain new clients, make a connection with a colleague, or make an impression on your boss, being viewed as trustworthy is essential for making professional connections. Most of us know how to keep someone’s trust once we’ve earned it: by following through on our actions and being open and honest in our […]