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Archive of month: May 2020

Warm Up for Vocal Power on Your Next Video Call

Speaking in a strong, dynamic voice is essential for getting your message across in a clear, confident, professional way. One way to create a more engaging speaking voice is to warm up. Warming up is especially important when you’re working from home. Without the normal office routine of chatting with coworkers, walking between workspaces, or […]

Speaking in a more concise way!

One of the benefits from the Speak to Lead session was the opportunity to practice speaking in a more concise way! Regards Azumah  

Today I sounded more calm, clear

Thank you very much for today’s session, it made me realize how I fixed most of my mistakes in 24 hours! Apparently, today I sounded more calm, clear while talking with no filler words, good eye contact and body language. I hope tomorrow’s interview will go well thanks to Alina and your help. Best, Jad […]

Tips to Rock Your Next Virtual Presentation

Speaking in front of a group can be challenging in the best of circumstances. But virtual presentations via platforms like Skype and Zoom can create new challenges that can trip up even the most confident public speaker. In last two blogs, we’ve provided tips and techniques for projecting confidence, credibility, and professionalism in virtual meetings […]

A lot of lessons to learn

Thanks for the session today; it was a powerful delivery and a lot of lessons to learn from it. Azumah Amidini May 4, 2020