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Archives of #body language

Cultivate executive presence with communication!

The Art of Confident Communication: Tips and Strategies for Enhancing Your Executive Presence

Having executive presence is a critical attribute for professionals seeking to climb the corporate ladder in today’s fast-paced and competitive environment.  According to Forbes magazine, “executive presence is a skill, not a trait — that means it’s something you can cultivate and build.” In addition to technical expertise and knowledge, confident communication skills enhance your […]

The Secret to Improving Your Communication Skills: Record Yourself!

The ability to communicate effectively is a fundamental skill that can have a significant impact in any professional role. A powerful, yet often overlooked, tip for improving your communication skills is to record yourself. But why? Observing and listening to yourself through self-reflection can be valuable for improving. When I present to audiences, it is […]
How to rock your next virtual presentation

How to Think on Your Feet, Even Under Pressure and Sound Like the Expert You Are

Learning to like a leader who can exude confidence and think on their feet under pressure is an invaluable skill in today’s dynamic and fast-paced world. The way you communicate can have a significant impact on your professional and personal success, whether you’re giving a presentation, participating in a meeting, or engaging in impromptu conversations. […]

Do Your Non-Verbal Communication Skills Need a Brush-Up?

We’ve all heard of verbal communication. But what about non-verbal communication? What is it and why is it important? Non-verbal communication involves the exchange of messages or signals without the use of words, including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and body language. A variety of factors are involved, including social cues, kinesics, distance, physical […]

Use Body Language to Project Confidence in Virtual Communication

Virtual meetings are a great way to continue to connect with colleagues and clients while staying safe and practicing social distancing. However, the demands of body language and non-verbal communication change drastically from in-person to virtual communication. Here are a few tips to help you adapt your body language to project confidence and a strong […]

How Can Body Language Improve Your Career?

Whether it’s improving articulation, learning to speak with a strong, dynamic voice, or modifying an accent, most people are focused on improving their speech for better communication. However, non-verbal communication, or body language, can also have an enormous impact on your ability to connect with others, project confidence, and communicate your message in an engaging, […]

Can I Trust You? Tips for Inspiring Trust through Body Language

Whether trying to gain new clients, make a connection with a colleague, or make an impression on your boss, being viewed as trustworthy is essential for making professional connections. Most of us know how to keep someone’s trust once we’ve earned it: by following through on our actions and being open and honest in our […]

Let Your Hands Do the Talking! 3 Tips to Make Gestures Work for You

One of the most common questions people have when speaking in public is, “What do I do with my hands?” Some people become overly aware of their hands, and fall into awkward fixed positions (like the “fig leaf” stance: arms straight down with hands clasped together in front of your body). Others move their hands […]

The Eyes Have It!

Do others perceive you as a strong, compelling natural leader? Or someone who is timid, unprofessional or unsure of themselves? Some of the most important factors in projecting professional confidence are non-verbal, including how you meet the gaze of your listener. Learning how to make the right amount and type of eye contact will help […]

Presentation Skills for Success: 3 Ways to Wow Your Audience

Have you ever witnessed a truly great speaker? The kind of person who strides onto the stage and captivates their audience, keeping them on the edge of their seats from their very first word through the end of their presentation? Public speaking is an essential component to professional success; nearly all jobs involve at least […]