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Archives of #Non-verbal Communication

Can I Trust You? Tips for Inspiring Trust through Body Language

Whether trying to gain new clients, make a connection with a colleague, or make an impression on your boss, being viewed as trustworthy is essential for making professional connections. Most of us know how to keep someone’s trust once we’ve earned it: by following through on our actions and being open and honest in our […]

Let Your Hands Do the Talking! 3 Tips to Make Gestures Work for You

One of the most common questions people have when speaking in public is, “What do I do with my hands?” Some people become overly aware of their hands, and fall into awkward fixed positions (like the “fig leaf” stance: arms straight down with hands clasped together in front of your body). Others move their hands […]

Presentation Skills for Success: 3 Ways to Wow Your Audience

Have you ever witnessed a truly great speaker? The kind of person who strides onto the stage and captivates their audience, keeping them on the edge of their seats from their very first word through the end of their presentation? Public speaking is an essential component to professional success; nearly all jobs involve at least […]

Stand Like a Leader: 5 Steps for Increasing Presence with Posture

The next time you glance in a mirror, take note of your posture. What does your body language say about you? Do you see a strong, confident leader, or self-conscious, uncomfortable slumper? In professional communication, what your listener sees is just as important as what they hear. A weak stance or slumping shoulders can give […]
Cultivate executive presence with communication!

3 Simple Strategies to Develop Executive Presence

Everyone knows at least one person who seems to effortlessly stand out from the crowd. The person who instantly commands attention when then walk into a room and who everyone seems to gravitate toward. What is it that this person has that makes them so engaging and charismatic? Executive presence.
Make the right first impression!

Make an Impression with the Perfect Handshake

Knowing how to make a great first impression is essential to developing relationships and climbing the professional ladder. One of the best ways to project confidence and professionalism in the first moments of meeting someone is with your handshake. What does your handshake say about you and how can you improve it? Read the following […]
Professional meeting

Three Simple Tips for Inspiring Trust

Do your colleagues and clients trust you? While being good at what you do is clearly essential in order to succeed professionally, whether people find you trustworthy is also crucial for success. Of course a large part of whether people trust you depends on if you’re actually trustworthy. Keeping your word and respecting others will […]

Personal Space: Finding the Right Distance

Have you ever been in a conversation with a “close talker”? Interacting with someone who invades your personal space can be, at minimum, irritating, and for some, can be a significant source of discomfort and anxiety. Having a person stand too far away during a conversation can also be problematic; too much distance can be […]
Woman standing

Projecting Confidence with Posture: Five Simple Tips!

Being able to communicate your message in a clear, articulate way is key to professional success. However, strong professional communication isn’t only about what you say and how you say it. What your listener sees is just as important as what they hear. This means honing both your verbal and non-verbal communication skills in order […]

Is Your Body Language Hurting Your Career?

When my clients come to me, they’re typically focused on how to improve their speaking skills. Learning to communicate with clarity and confidence definitely involves refining the way you speak. But often people are so focused on what it is they’re saying that they lose sight of the fact that the way they move and […]