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Archive of month: 2014

More Great Tips for Effective Meeting Communication!

Meetings are an essential part of running an effective professional team. But all too often, poor communication can turn meetings into an inefficient waste of time. Last week,we gave three simple tips for running the most successful meetings possible. Today, we present part two, with three more great tips!

How Effective Are Your Meetings? Check Out Our 3 Simple Tips!

Meetings are essential for any business. They give everyone an opportunity to share ideas and be kept up-to-date on important information. However, poor communication can turn a meeting into a drawn out, ineffective waste of time. Take a look at our three tips below to make sure your next meeting is a success!

Need a Conversation Starter? Take a Look at our 4 Simple Tips!

It’s that time of year: every weekend there seems to be some sort of holiday gathering, whether it’s within your personal or professional circle. Holiday get-togethers are a great opportunity to make new contacts and meet new friends. Last week, we talked about the art of making small talk. But being able to make great […]

Speak like an expert!

On behalf of the Board of the Long Island Chapter of Certified Fraud Examiners, Thank you Jayne for your wonderful presentation which was full of tips and insight to “Speak Like The Expert You Are”. Jayne recently addressed 80 seminar attendees at our educational event. The presentation was fun and interactive and attendee feedback was […]

Three Simple Ways to Master the Art of Small Talk

Networking is a crucial part of professional success. The ability to meet and connect with potential customers and professional connections is one of the keys to growth in the business world. However, networking is more complicated than just meeting others in your field and introducing yourself and your services. People are more likely to connect […]

Three Easy Tips for a Strong Presentation

Being able to give a clear, confident presentation that leaves an impression is a crucial skill to professional advancement. Don’t miss out on important opportunities because of your public speaking skills! Take a look at our three tips below to help take your presentations to the next level:

Improve your business communication skills and learn to leave a lasting impression

How good are you at making a first impression? People formulate their first impression of a person almost immediately after meeting them. This image can be hard to shake once its established. In the professional world, success often relies on establishing strong relationships; if a person connects with you on a personal level, they’re more […]

Patience and encouragement. Thank you.

 I had a great experience with Alina. She always did her best to teach me in each session with great patience and encouragement for me to improve in each session. She was always willing to help me and answer any questions in and out of the session. Mariel E.

Alina has been absolutely wonderful!

it’s been a true pleasure working with her. She has helped increase my self-awareness in a few areas I need improvement. She has focused on helping me decrease filler use, pausing and final sound pronunciation among other things in my everyday speech/communication. This has certainly helped my confidence in daily meetings. Finding time to practice […]

Are You Pronouncing the Past Tense Correctly? Part 3

One of the trickiest aspects of American English pronunciation is the past-tense “-ed” ending. Although this ending looks the same when written, it can be pronounced several different ways based on the word it’s attached to. Learning the nuances of these variations is one of the key differences that can help you master the American […]