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Archives of Non-verbal Communication

Close up of eye

Mastering Panel Interviews: The Power of Confident Eye Contact

Panel interviews can be nerve-wracking! However, all you need are the right strategies for success! I was recently asked, “If we are in an interview setting with 4 members, how often should we shift eye contact among various panel members?” Making meaningful eye contact during a panel interview is one of the most powerful nonverbal […]

Unlock Success: Enhance Communication and Leadership with Active Listening

The cornerstone of successful business relationships is effective communication. Active listening is often overlooked as we focus on how well we express ourselves. You can improve your communication and leadership skills through the power of active listening!  Let’s explore how active listening can transform your communication and leadership skills: Improved Communication Skills: Communication skills are […]
Cultivate executive presence with communication!

Boost Your Executive Presence: Expert Tips for Confident Communication

Having executive presence is a critical attribute for professionals seeking to climb the corporate ladder in today’s fast-paced and competitive environment.  According to Forbes magazine, “executive presence is a skill, not a trait — that means it’s something you can cultivate and build.” In addition to technical expertise and knowledge, confident communication skills enhance your […]

Elevate Your Communication Skills: Harness the Power of Self-Recording

The ability to communicate effectively is a fundamental skill that can have a significant impact in any professional role. A powerful, yet often overlooked, tip for improving your communication skills is to record yourself. But why? Observing and listening to yourself through self-reflection can be valuable for improving. When I present to audiences, it is […]
Cultivate executive presence with communication!

How To Become A Great Leader in 2023!

As a great leader, you inspire, motivate, and set an example for others to follow so they can accomplish positive changes in the world. Building strong relationships with their team begins with establishing a vision, providing a plan of action, and providing a vision for the future.  Despite an organization having people with different talents […]

Revitalize Your Non-Verbal Communication Skills: A Guide for Success

We’ve all heard of verbal communication. But what about non-verbal communication? What is it and why is it important? Non-verbal communication involves the exchange of messages or signals without the use of words, including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and body language. A variety of factors are involved, including social cues, kinesics, distance, physical […]
Shaking hands

Interview Mastery: Your Pathway to Career Success

What is interview success? How can you achieve it? You might be wondering what tips and tricks are available to help you succeed in your interview, whether virtual or in-person.  Here are some tips to help you with your next interview: Dress appropriately. Whether you are in-person or virtual, you need to dress for success. […]