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Archives of #Corporate Speech-Language Pathologist

Man on phone

Do Your Voicemails Get Results?

  If you’re like most professionals, you find that the majority of your phone calls during the workday end with leaving a voicemail. As workdays become increasingly packed, more and more professionals are letting their voicemail serve as their personal secretary, screening incoming calls and then prioritizing who to call back. In order to stand […]

Communication Is a Two-Way Street: The Art of Listening

If you’re like most professionals, you understand how important clear, confident communication is to success. However, strong communication skills don’t just concern the way you express yourself—having strong skills as a listener is just as essential. Just yesterday I had a colleague ask a follow-up question to something I had just addressed. His response was […]
Group of doctors

Better Communication in Healthcare Saves Lives! Three Easy Tips

Clear, effective communication skills are essential in any career, but in healthcare, they can be a matter of life and death. Approximately 65% of hospital deaths and injuries are directly related to communication breakdowns! Although these breakdowns can have many underlying causes, one source of misunderstanding can be unclear or heavily accented speech. Whether it’s […]
Woman standing

Projecting Confidence with Posture: Five Simple Tips!

Being able to communicate your message in a clear, articulate way is key to professional success. However, strong professional communication isn’t only about what you say and how you say it. What your listener sees is just as important as what they hear. This means honing both your verbal and non-verbal communication skills in order […]
Man and woman speaking

Using Gesture to Enhance Your Message: Three Simple Tips

Have you ever thought about how you use your hands when you’re speaking? Gesturing while you talk is an essential, but often overlooked aspect of strong professional communication. Body language can make a big difference in how your listener or audience receives your message, and can change the way that others perceive you. Take a […]

How Does an Accent Impact Your Image? The Answer May Surprise You

Did you know that how easy something is to understand can impact the way people judge it? Multiple studies have found that things that are easier to process are perceived more favorably and are rated as more familiar, more pleasant, less risky and more truthful. A study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology (Lev-Ari & […]
Man on phone

Do Your Telephone Skills Need Work? 3 Simple Tips

If you’re like most professionals, a significant portion of your day-to-day communication happens over the phone. Communicating over the phone can be even trickier than in-person communication—without the non-verbal cues that we rely on in face-to-face conversations, it can be harder to effectively communicate your message. Take a look at our three simple tips to […]
Professional meeting

Three Tips to Help You Communicate Up the Corporate Ladder!

How confident are you in your professional communication skills? In today’s increasingly competitive job market, the ability to express yourself in a clear, confident manner is essential to achieving your career goals. Whether you’re leading a meeting, presenting a project proposal, or giving a sales presentation, the ability to speak with clarity and confidence is […]

How Can Corporate Speech Solutions Help You and Your International Executives?

Strong communication skills are essential to professional success. Excellent communication skills result in better workplace relations, more satisfied clients, and a better bottom line. However, learning to communicate with professionalism, clarity and confidence takes training and practice, just like any other skill. For this reason, many professionals seek out the assistance of a corporate speech-language […]

Check out these 3 Easy Tips for Improving your American English Pronunciation

Do people often ask you to repeat yourself? Do you feel like your English communication skills are getting in the way of your professional success? One of the most difficult parts of speaking in a foreign language is mastering all of the subtle differences in pronunciation. While learning vocabulary and grammar from a textbook may […]