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Archives of #Corporate Speech-Language Pathologist

Are You Taking Care of Your Voice? An Interview with Margaret Marshall

Welcome to our second First Thursday of 2016! On the first Thursday of every month we feature an expert in a related field that has a skill or expertise that will enhance your professional skill set. Today, we’re joined by Margaret Marshall. As “The Healthy Living Expert,” Margaret provides people with uncomplicated, realistic strategies to […]

Are Acronyms Muddling Your Communication? Check Out Our 3 Easy Tips!

If you’re like most professionals, you use abbreviations and acronyms on a daily basis. The more complex and technical our work environment, the more likely it is that jargon and complex titles will be shortened to a series of letters. Although they can be a time saver and make communication more concise, they can also […]

Four Easy Ways to Keep Your Voice Healthy

Speaking with a strong, dynamic voice is essential to projecting professionalism and leadership in the workplace. Just like any other part of your body, you need to take care of your voice to keep it healthy and functioning well. Here are just a few strategies you can use to make sure you’re keeping your voice […]

Trouble Finding the Right Word? Check out These Tips!

One of the most common issues I hear from my clients, both native and non-native English speakers is that they have trouble finding the word they want to use in conversation. This can create a range of problems, from not being as clear and articulate as possible, to totally obscuring your message. Take a look […]

4 Tips for Crafting Email that Gets a Response!

  If you’re like most business professionals, the bulk of your professional communication is done through e-mail. E-mail is great for saving time and getting your thoughts and conversations down in writing; unfortunately, many people use e-mail practices that make their communication seem unprofessional and sloppy. Because people use e-mail to communicate in their personal […]
Professional meeting

The 3 Keys to Answering Interview Questions

Over the past two weeks, we’ve talked about some great ways you can project confidence and use communication to help you ace an interview. Today we’ll wrap up our series on interview skills with an essential topic: How to answer interview questions in a way that will help you stand out and land the job! […]

How Communication Can Land You Your Dream Job

Whether or not an interview is successful is more than just luck; there are skills you can learn and practice in advance in order to interview well and make employers want to add you to their team. One critical aspect of being a good interviewer is excellent communication. Since strong communication skills are essential in […]
Man folding arms

Hold Your Head Up High: Using Posture to Improve Professional Communication

Strong communication skills are essential to professional success. But effective communication goes beyond the words you say and how you say them—nonverbal communication also plays a very significant role in how you are perceived in the workplace and how your message is understood. Last week, we discussed how eye contact can improve your rapport with […]
Professional meeting

One Simple Tip for Inspiring Trust in the Workplace

  Being perceived as someone who is open, honest, and trustworthy is essential for professional success. Clearly the first step to being seen as honest and trustworthy is actually conducting yourself in an open and honest manner and following through on your word. However, it is also vital that you appear trustworthy as well. Body […]
Professional meeting

Improve Your Pronunciation with a Strategic Pause!

It’s said that well-timed silence can speak louder than words. This is especially true when trying to improve your communication: whether you’re working on your public speaking skills, or trying to master the American English accent, learning how and when to pause can have a huge impact on your success. In general, pausing can make […]