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Archives of #executive

Get Paid What You’re Worth! 3 Simple Tips for Negotiating a Raise

  Have you ever felt that your paycheck doesn’t quite measure up to your professional contribution and skill? It may be time to ask for a raise! Negotiating a raise can be a tricky topic, and many professionals avoid it for fear of sounding demanding or creating an uncomfortable situation. However, it’s often a necessary […]

Three Simple Tips for a Dynamic, Confident Speaking Voice

Speaking with a strong, dynamic voice is one of the keys to projecting professionalism and leadership in the workplace. Whether speaking to an audience of two or 2000, the ability to speak with a clear, confident voice is essential to commanding the attention of your listener and letting them know your message is worth hearing. […]
Make the right first impression!

Are You Making the Right First Impression?

Exactly how much time do you have to make a strong first impression? Research from Experian Credit Expert in the United Kingdom found that the average person forms a first impression in the first 119 seconds of meeting someone new. This means you have just under two minutes to win over an important business contact […]

A Dynamic Speaking Voice Starts with Good Vocal Hygiene!

A confident, commanding speaking voice is essential to successful public speaking. It doesn’t matter how excellent the content of your presentation is: if your speaking voice is weak or unpleasant to listen to, your message will be negatively impacted. The first step to a strong, effective speaking voice begins with good habits which keep your […]
Woman writing

Are You Writing These American English Phrases Correctly?

  Last week we talked about common American English idioms that people often get wrong. Today we’ll talk about idiom mistakes that might not be noticeable when spoken because they sound so close to the original, but will definitely attract attention if written down. Check out the list below and make sure you’re using these […]

Are You Getting These Common English Idioms Wrong?

Most people use more idioms in everyday speech then they realize. A well-placed idioms can make your speech much more colorful and memorable, and can help convey your point in an articulate way. However, often people mishear idioms and say them wrong without realizing. These errors then get incorporated their vocabulary. Misusing an idioms can […]

Land Your Dream Job! Interview Tips for New Graduates

Are you a recent graduate who has just entered the job market? For many young adults, one of the biggest hurdles in getting your career started is passing the interview process and landing that first job. While your qualifications play a large part in your success, it’s likely that a number of other candidates with […]

FAQ: How Can I Project My Voice?

  What kind of an impression does your voice make? When speaking in public, using a strong, dynamic voice that projects to the very back of the audience is essential. A strong voice ensures that every member of your audience hears your message, whether you’re speaking to an audience of two or 2000. In addition, […]
Professional meeting

Three Simple Tips for Inspiring Trust

Do your colleagues and clients trust you? While being good at what you do is clearly essential in order to succeed professionally, whether people find you trustworthy is also crucial for success. Of course a large part of whether people trust you depends on if you’re actually trustworthy. Keeping your word and respecting others will […]

3 Simple Tips for Presenting to a Diverse Audience

If you’re like most professionals, your workplace is growing increasingly diverse as professional demographics shift and globalization continues at a breakneck pace. This diversity can be beneficial, incorporating new viewpoints and ideas, and creating opportunities to reach clients and create collaborations across the globe. Unfortunately, this diversity also comes with an increased risk for miscommunication.