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Archives of #professional communication

Close up of eye

Mastering Panel Interviews: The Power of Confident Eye Contact

Panel interviews can be nerve-wracking! However, all you need are the right strategies for success! I was recently asked, “If we are in an interview setting with 4 members, how often should we shift eye contact among various panel members?” Making meaningful eye contact during a panel interview is one of the most powerful nonverbal […]

Elevate Your Leadership: Master Strategic Thinking for Enhanced Communication

Today, individuals who aspire to lead and make a significant impact must be able to think strategically. Learning to think on your feet is one of the most important communication skills you can master. The goal is to be able to think, respond and sound like the expert you are.  You can master your leadership […]

Trust-Building Communication: The Cornerstone of Exceptional Leadership

Great leadership is built on trust. Leadership skills can be developed by productivity. Connectivity can increase productivity. First, begin by building trust! Relationship building, collaboration, and organizational success depend on it. In a recent study conducted by PwC, it states 91% of business executives say their ability to build and maintain trust improves the bottom […]

Unlock Success: Enhance Communication and Leadership with Active Listening

The cornerstone of successful business relationships is effective communication. Active listening is often overlooked as we focus on how well we express ourselves. You can improve your communication and leadership skills through the power of active listening!  Let’s explore how active listening can transform your communication and leadership skills: Improved Communication Skills: Communication skills are […]
Cultivate executive presence with communication!

Boost Your Executive Presence: Expert Tips for Confident Communication

Having executive presence is a critical attribute for professionals seeking to climb the corporate ladder in today’s fast-paced and competitive environment.  According to Forbes magazine, “executive presence is a skill, not a trait — that means it’s something you can cultivate and build.” In addition to technical expertise and knowledge, confident communication skills enhance your […]

Elevate Your Communication Skills: Harness the Power of Self-Recording

The ability to communicate effectively is a fundamental skill that can have a significant impact in any professional role. A powerful, yet often overlooked, tip for improving your communication skills is to record yourself. But why? Observing and listening to yourself through self-reflection can be valuable for improving. When I present to audiences, it is […]
How to rock your next virtual presentation

Mastering Impromptu Speaking: Expert Strategies for Confident Communication

Learning to like a leader who can exude confidence and think on their feet under pressure is an invaluable skill in today’s dynamic and fast-paced world. The way you communicate can have a significant impact on your professional and personal success, whether you’re giving a presentation, participating in a meeting, or engaging in impromptu conversations. […]
Accent and Pronunciation Services

Maximize Your Impact: The Crucial Role of Accent Reduction Training in Professional Development

Accent Reduction Training, (also known as Business Communication Skill Training for the Non-Native English speaker-and used here interchangeably), is designed to build spoken clarity through phonetics and linguistics.  Our Accent Reduction Training for Non-Native English Speakers is important because it aims to eliminate misunderstandings in the workplace by building clear, articulate and confident communication.  With […]