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All posts of Jayne Latz

remote team leader

Mastering Remote Leadership: Strategies to Enhance Team Communication

So, you’re suddenly leading a remote team in a very high position at an unfamiliar company, and everyone is still working remotely? Maybe your predecessor used the current crisis as an excuse to finally retire, sail away to the islands, open that winery. For whatever reason, there was a vacancy and now you are leading […]

Tips to Wow a Virtual Audience

With more and more professionals working from home, you may find that you are called upon to give a presentation remotely. Virtual presentations are a great opportunity to reach a wider audience, but they also pose new challenges you may not typically consider with an in-person presentation. Check out our tips to make sure your […]

Making Connections with Virtual Networking

For many professionals, expanding their professional circle is a stressful experience. Networking can be daunting under the best of circumstances, and making lasting professional connections over a virtual platform can be even more challenging. Take a look at our tips below and make your next virtual networking event count!

Unlock Business Success: Join Our Accent Mastery Seminar!

“Could you repeat that?” “I’m sorry, what did you say?” For many native and non-native American English speakers, a regional or foreign accent is one of the greatest barriers to moving up the corporate ladder. Clear articulation is essential for effective public speaking and for all aspects of business and social communication. When you speak, […]
remote team leader

Clarity and Confidence in Remote Communication

Reduced visual cues and varying sound quality mean communication on the virtual platform requires extra attention to speech clarity. Check out our strategies below to make sure you come across as a clear, confident professional with every interaction.
presentation skills

Virtual Communication: Landing the Job Remotely

As more and more professionals are being hired to work from home, remote interviews are becoming increasingly common. Job interviews can be stressful under the best of conditions, but being in a different room than your interviewer creates new challenges. What challenges do you experience when interviewing virtually? Check out our tips below to help […]

Virtual Communication: Rocking the Virtual Presentation

You may be a veteran public speaker, but virtual presentations via platforms like Skype and Zoom create new challenges that can trip up even the most confident presenter. Would you like to learn how to overcome some of these challenges? Read on for tips and techniques to help you project confidence, credibility, and professionalism in […]

Virtual Communication: Engaging Your Audience in Remote Presentations

When your audience isn’t in the same room as you, it’s easy for them to feel disengaged and disconnected. Tailor your presentation so that there are plenty of opportunities for the audience to interact with you directly. Check out our strategies for engaging and connecting with your audience in a virtual meeting or presentation!

Use Body Language to Project Confidence in Virtual Communication

Virtual meetings are a great way to continue to connect with colleagues and clients while staying safe and practicing social distancing. However, the demands of body language and non-verbal communication change drastically from in-person to virtual communication. Here are a few tips to help you adapt your body language to project confidence and a strong […]

Staying Productive while Working from Home

As our world changes, increasing numbers of professionals have been called upon to work from home. While working from home has its upsides, many people have trouble adjusting to the change in routine and find themselves caught off guard when their productivity takes an unexpected dive. Check out our strategies and make sure working from […]