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Archives of #accent modification

Professional meeting

Three Tips to Help You Communicate Up the Corporate Ladder!

How confident are you in your professional communication skills? In today’s increasingly competitive job market, the ability to express yourself in a clear, confident manner is essential to achieving your career goals. Whether you’re leading a meeting, presenting a project proposal, or giving a sales presentation, the ability to speak with clarity and confidence is […]

How Can Corporate Speech Solutions Help You and Your International Executives?

Strong communication skills are essential to professional success. Excellent communication skills result in better workplace relations, more satisfied clients, and a better bottom line. However, learning to communicate with professionalism, clarity and confidence takes training and practice, just like any other skill. For this reason, many professionals seek out the assistance of a corporate speech-language […]

Check out these 3 Easy Tips for Improving your American English Pronunciation

Do people often ask you to repeat yourself? Do you feel like your English communication skills are getting in the way of your professional success? One of the most difficult parts of speaking in a foreign language is mastering all of the subtle differences in pronunciation. While learning vocabulary and grammar from a textbook may […]

Articulate Your Way to Success with These 3 Simple Tips!

Are you looking to communicate with greater clarity, confidence and credibility? Increasing the clarity of your speech can have a huge impact on how you’re perceived in the workplace. Take a look at these three strategies to help you articulate your way to success: Don’t Leave Out Syllables: When we speak in casual conversation, we […]

Alina is outstanding!

Hi Jayne, Thank you very much for your email. The training goes really well.  There are still efforts to be made, but I am sure I am on the right track. As you said during our initial meeting, Alina is great, she is just amazing! I really enjoy working with her, she makes every efforts […]

Level II with Alina is great

Jayne: Thanks for your email! Hope you have enjoyed summer. The level II training with Alina is going well. Alina is truly a wonderful and inspiring instructor, and I have enjoyed the training program with her. Thanks, Jason
Thinking woman

Improve English Pronunciation through Vibration!

When trying to master the American English accent, the devil is in the details. There are many sounds in the English language that only vary from one another through one small change. One of these changes that often gets overlooked is voicing. Voicing refers to whether sound is simply produced using air or if you […]

Words You Don’t Know You’re Using Wrong!

  Last week we talked about several words and phrases that can undermine your credibility as a professional. Another common problem is misusing words. People often make the mistake of equating a large vocabulary with being articulate and intelligent and try to pepper their speech with as many impressive vocabulary words as possible. Unfortunately this […]

Three Words That Are Undermining Your Credibility!

Learning to speak with clarity and confidence is essential to creating a strong professional image. When working with my clients, we often focus on modifying speech patterns, like how quickly someone talks, changing vocal quality, or learning to project with a clear, strong voice. However, vocabulary choice can also play a significant role in how […]

Cross-Cultural Communication: 4 Essential Tips for Success

How often do you communicate with people from different cultural or linguistic backgrounds in the workplace? If you’re like most professionals, your workplace is growing increasingly diverse as globalization continues to increase at a breakneck pace. This diversity can be incredibly beneficial: we now have the opportunity to reach clients and create collaborations across the […]