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Archive of month: 2021

Unlocking Success: The Vital Role of Diversity in Building a Thriving Company

In today’s increasingly globalized business landscape, the importance of diversity cannot be overstated. As companies expand their reach to cater to diverse communities, embracing a truly inclusive environment isn’t just a moral imperative—it’s a strategic advantage that can propel organizations to unprecedented heights. Embracing Diversity: A Strategic Imperative Diversity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the […]

Thank you all for your teaching

Thanks to the coaching of Corporate Speech Solutions, my English communication skills have improved a lot!. At the beginning, I was not quite sure if my English could be improved by a series of techniques learned, but it surely worked for me. “Practice makes perfect”. Thank you all for your teaching, CSS. Kyu Cho

How to Attract, Recruit, and Retain the Right People

How do you make sure you are recruiting, developing, and continuously attracting the right people for the right seats in your organization? First, you need to understand what is unique and attractive about your organization. What is about your company that attracts great employees? Is it the people who work there? The company culture? The […]

Communication training success

Thank you very much for your support and program. I am delighted by the organization, resources, accessibility, and opportunities that your program provides. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Alina has been an engaging instructor and guide. I enjoyed our conversations and practice. Thank you so much. I am so happy because I […]
How to rock your next virtual presentation

Mastering Virtual Presentations: Tips for Making a Lasting Impact

Fearful about your next virtual presentation? Do you feel like your tongue twists whenever you turn on the mic in your virtual meetings? If yes, then probably you have glossophobia. It is simply the fear of speaking publicly. Most people who experience it tend to always get nervous whenever it is time for them to […]

Unlock Success: The Power of Mastering Group Communication Skills

Steer Clear of Disaster:  Poor Communication Skills Can Shatter Your Business Success What sets the successful high-achieving businesses apart from those who struggle? What is the secret behind their success? The secret begins with the foundation of great communication skills. If your business wants to achieve high levels of success, have happy customers and employees […]

Accent Reduction Training Incredibly Valuable

The accent reduction training was great! I really felt like I was actually able to make a few concrete changes over the course of the training, and I now know what I need to work on moving forward to continue to improve. Alina was absolutely incredible, and she was able to find some amazing tricks […]
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