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Archive of month: 2013

You Finally Graduated! …Now What?

It’s that time of year: this month thousands of students will toss their cap in the air and gleefully celebrate the end to their most recent academic journey. Graduating from college is a great achievement and certainly cause for celebration. But once the cap and gown have been hung up and the last strands of […]

The Today Show Features Jayne Latz

Another exciting week for Corporate Speech Solutions! This past Friday Corporate Speech Solutions’ President and Founder, Jayne Latz, was featured on The Today Show. Jayne was featured on a segment discussing how your voice is perceived by others and how, with training, you can change the way you sound. Jayne discussed how recent studies have […]

How Clear Are Your Voicemail Messages?

Has this ever happened to you: You receive a voicemail and have to replay it over and over again because you can’t understand the caller the first time around. Having to take the extra time to try to decipher a garbled voicemail is irritating at best and for many busy professionals not worth the trouble, […]

Get Results with the Perfect Voicemail

Have you ever called a colleague or client and left a voicemail only to wait and wait and never get a response? If you find this happens to you regularly, you may unknowingly be a “bad voicemailer”! Voicemails have become a standard part of business communication. Many people are too busy during the work day […]

Could Speech Habits Affect Your Image in the Workplace?

Everyone knows someone who, like, talks like this. You know, like, the kind of person who ends every sentence like it’s a question? A recent program on National Public Radio talked about how speech habits like up-speak (speaking with a rising tone as though you are asking a question), vocal fry (“creaking” the ends of […]

Is Your Voice Affecting Your Career?

Unless there is an obvious problem, most of us don’t give more than an occasional passing thought to how our voice sounds. However, new research on how vocal quality affects others’ perceptions may make you think twice. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal discusses a study that shows that the quality of your […]

Are Your Communication Skills Holding You Back?

Strong communication is a critical part of professional advancement. While knowing how to express your ideas in a clear, professional way is important, it’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. Speaking with clarity and confidence are essential to strong business communication and professional advancement. Are your communication skills strong enough to […]

Are Seasonal Allergies Leaving You Speechless?

It’s that time of year: the snow has finally melted, the sun is shining, flowers are blooming…and you are a red-eyed, stuffy, sneezing, Kleenex-toting mess. Welcome to allergy season! Each year millions of people are affected by seasonal allergies. How many of you have experienced a change in your voice? You may be happy to […]

Networking: Establish Lasting Professional Relationships

Almost everyone can benefit from extending their professional circle. Whether wooing potential clients or establishing relationships with others in your field, networking is a critical part of professional success. But how exactly do you go about making these connections? Here are some tips to make sure you’re networking as effectively as possible:

The Secret to a Powerful Voice? Just Breathe!

 If you’ve ever been to a presentation, you know there are often two types of speakers. On one hand you have the speaker who is overly soft spoken, and as a result, quickly becomes dull, monotonous, and difficult to understand. On the other end of the spectrum, you have speakers who can rally everyone to […]